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J-OS is a small operating system for computers equipped with an 8086 or faster CPU. It's easially fitted on one floppy. J-OS is partly written as an operating system tutorial, and is well commented (on Norwegian for now). Some features of J-OS:
- A Bootloader which loads the kernel and shell into memory
- A Kernel which sets up an interrupt handler to handle interrupt calls, and execute them
- A shell that accepts a few commands
- Password protection
The current J-OS version is 1.020
[edit] Available commands
- CLEAR - Clears the screen
- HELP - Shows the help screen
- LOAD - Loads a program from a program number into memory
- RUN - Runs a program in memory that has been loaded by LOAD
- REBOOT - Reboots the system
- SYSINFO - Shows debug information such as CPU register contents, etc.
- VERSION - Displays the current J-OS version and copyright information
[edit] System requirements
J-OS doesn't require much:
- A 8086 or better CPU (8088 will NOT work)
- At least 640K of memory
- Color Graphics Adapter or better graphics with color support
- A floppy drive and a clean floppy