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Jølster kommune
County Sogn og Fjordane
District Sunnfjord
Municipality NO-1431
Administrative centre Skei i Jølster
Mayor (2003) Gerd Dvergsdal (Sp)
Official language form Nynorsk
 - Total
 - Land
 - Percentage
Ranked 166
671 km²
620 km²
0.21 %
 - Total (2006)
 - Percentage
 - Change (10 years)
 - Density
Ranked 275
0.06 %
-3.2 %
Coordinates 61°32′N 6°24′E

Data from Statistics Norway

Coordinates: 61°32′N 6°24′E

Jølster is a municipality in the county of Sogn og Fjordane, Norway.

The name Jølster originates from the Old Norse jolmster, describing noise and rumble from the river Jølstra running through the lower parts of the municipality.

The great water Jølstravatnet splits the municipality, creating two centres of population in Skei (in the eastern end of the water) and Vassenden (in English; "The water-end") in the western part, where the river Jølstra starts.

Tourism is one of the largest industries in Jølster, and there are hotels, campsites and a number of tourist facilities in each centre of the municipality. In addition to tourism, agriculture and construction are the most important industries.

Lake Breimsvatn lies in Jølster.

The two artists Nikolai Astrup and Ludvig Eikaas are both from Jølster and are honoured by two separate museums.

[edit] Famous residents

Municipalities of Sogn og Fjordane Sogn og Fjordane coat of arms

Nordfjord: Bremanger | Eid | Gloppen | Hornindal | Selje | Stryn | Vågsøy
Sunnfjord: Askvoll | Fjaler | Flora | Førde | Gaular | Jølster | Naustdal
Sogn: Aurland | Balestrand | Gulen | Hyllestad | Høyanger | Leikanger | Luster | Lærdal | Sogndal | Solund | Vik | Årdal