Ivan Matetić Ronjgov

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Ivan Matetić Ronjgov (Croatia, Ronjgi April 10, 1880. - Croatia, Lovran June 27, 1960.), composer

Ivan Matetić was born on April 10, 1880 in village called Ronjgi in Croatia (near Rijeka), from which he got nickname "Ronjgov". He discovered the pattern of the music of this region, theoretically explaining the essence of this natural music and pinpointed the "lystrian scale" - a series of six tones and half-tones.

On basis of this discovery he wa able to note the folk songs of this region, to harmonize these notes, and finally to compose music in the same spirit. The fanatical love he nurtured for his native countryside is deserving for having this music find its way into concert halls.

He left a large number of musical notations from Istria and the Croatian seaside. He harmonized and arranged over one hundred songs. His most significant compositional opus consists of some ten major compositions for various vocal groups, mainly for mixed choirs.

Works such as "Ćaće moj" (My Papa), "Roženice", "Mantinjada domaćemu kraju" (Ode to our homeland), "Na mamin gorbak" (Beside Mama's grave) and others, are real chorus symphonies which place Matetić into the ranks of the most outstanding composers in Croatian and world chorus literature.

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