Iuliu Hossu

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Iuliu Hossu (January 30, 1885, Milaş, Bistriţa-Năsăud CountyMay 28, 1970, Bucharest) was a Romanian Greek-Catholic bishop of the Cluj-Gherla Diocese and later cardinal and victim of the Communist regime. He never actually functioned as cardinal, having been elevated "in pectore" in 1969, with his appointment not becoming a published one until 1973, after his death.

Anti-Communist Metropolitans and Bishops in Romania
Greek Catholic Vasile Aftenie | Ioan Bălan | Tit Liviu Chinezu | Ioan Dragomir | Ioan Duma | Valeriu Traian Frenţiu | Iuliu Hirtea | Iuliu Hossu | Ioan Ploscaru | Alexandru Rusu | Ioan Suciu | Alexandru Todea
Roman Catholic Szilárd Bogdánffy | Adalbert Boros | Alexandru Cisar | Anton Durcovici | Imre Erös | Áron Márton | Augustin Pacha | Johannes Scheffler | Joseph Schubert
Orthodox Grigorie Leu | Nicodim Munteanu | Visarion Puiu