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Ms. Jennifer Marie POWELL, Executive Director, International Services Trade Information Agency (ISTIA), Geneva, Switzerland; Economist and former UN Official. ISTIA ROLE: Executive Director & Member of the Board

Ms. Powell served as an economic affairs officer and principal team member of the UN World Investment Report in the Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development (DITE) group at UNCTAD; during this time she managed the design and implementation of the UNCTAD database on FDI/FATS (foreign direct invesment & foreign affiliate trade statistics); this included training of all in-house statisticians. At the World Health Organization (WHO) worked with trade in health statistics, helping the WHO to prepare initial contributions to the OECD Inter-Agency Task Force on International Statistics for Trade in Services. At the WTO she worked as an economist in the Trade Policy Training, Accessions and Market Access Divisions. She has consulted and project managed various trade-and-FDI-related technical assistance projects in Africa and the Middle East, as well as having held professional positions in multinationals in Europe and the United States. Ms. Powell holds a graduate and undergraduate degrees from Europe and the United States.