Israel On Campus Coalition

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The Israel On Campus Coalition is a pro-Israel organization founded in 2002 under the auspices of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation and Hillel.

The Coalition states its mission as follows:

The ICC aims to become the central coordinating and strategic body to address campus issues and intelligently impact a pro-active pro-Israel agenda on campus. This will be accomplished during an evolutionary process over the next several years, with the ICC emerging as an effective and strategic-focused enterprise. The Jewish community will come to rely on the ICC and its members to meet the needs of the pro-Israel community on campus, identify the important issues and initiatives, and work cooperatively with key partners and community organizations.


[edit] Speakers' Bureaus

The coalition coordinates speakers' bureaus. Among available speakers listed is Charles Jacobs, the founder of the David Project, an affiliate.

[edit] Publications

[edit] Member organizations

"The ICC is comprised of 27 organizations committed to a pro-active, pro-Israel agenda on college campuses":

(Affiliate Members)

[edit] External links