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Israelândia is a small town and municipality in eastern Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 2,783 (2005 estimate) in a total area of 577,4 km² (10/10/2002)
- Population density: 5.01 inhab/km² (2003)
- Elevation: 378 meters
- Became a municipality: 1958
- Statistical microregion: Iporá Microregion
- Postal code: 76205-000
Geographical Information
- Distance to the state capital: 199 km.
- Distance to regional center (Iporá): 28 km.
- Highway connections: state highway BR-069 west from Goiânia, through Trindade, São Luís de Montes Belos, and then 31 kilometers northeast to Amorinópolis.
Neighboring municipalities: Jaupaci, Fazenda Nova, Moiporá, and Iporá.
Political Data
- Eligible voters: 2,313 (06/09/2004)
- Mayor: Débora Liz da Silva e Sousa (January 2005)
- Vice-mayor: Eudes Rocha de Castro
- Councilmembers: 09
Demographic Data
- Population growth rate 1991/2000: -1.22.%
- Population in 1980: 3,583
- Population in 1991: 3,356
- Urban population in 2003: 2,263
- Rural population in 2003: 633
Economy The economy is based on services, small industries, cattle raising, and agriculture.
- Number of Industrial Establishments: 02 (10/06/2005)
- Industrial District: none - (Sept/2004)
- Distilleries: none - (June/2005)
- Meat-packing Plants/Egg processing: none - (07/06/2005)
- Dairies: none - (07/06/2005)
- Banking Establishments: none - (01/06/2005)
- Number of Retail Commerial Establishments: 20 (April/2005)
Animal Raising (2004)
- Cattle (head) 47,000
- Milk production (1,000 liters) 3,820
- Egg production: (1,000 dz) 29
- Swine: (head) 2,710
- Milk cows (head): 4,200
Agricultural Production (2005)
- Area(hectares) Prod. (tons)
- Rice: 240 / 200
- Bananas: 65 / 500
- Sugarcane: 5 / 250
- Coconuts: (thousand fruits) 10 / 130
- Manioc: 300 / 6,000
- Corn: 470 / 1,300
- Soybeans: 210 / 400
- GDP: (R$ 1.000.00) 15.978 (2003)
- GDP per capita: (R$ 1,00) 5,581 (2003)
- GDP by sectors in 2002 (R$ 1.000.00): 8.429 (Agriculture), 1.122 (Industry), 5.874 (Services)
- Ranking of GDP in state (2002): 194
Education (2005)
- Schools in activity: 3
- Classrooms: 20
- Teachers: 41
- Total Students: 788
- Students in pre-school education: 77
- Students in Literacy Class: 47
- Students in Primary Level: 502
- Students in Secondary Level: 123
- Students in Special Education: 8
- Students in Adult Education: 78
- Students in Professional Education: 0
- Literacy rate: 84.5%
Health (2003)
- Hospitals: 01
- Beds: 30
- Walk-in health clinics: 02
- Doctors: 03
- Nurses: 01
- Dentists: 0
- Infant mortality rate: 24.39 in 1,000 live births
Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index
- Life expectancy: 68.7
- Adult literacy rate: 0.828
- School attendance rate: 0.844
- HDI-M: 0.730
- State ranking: 145 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
- National ranking: 2,423 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)
- Classification according to HDI:
High (0,800 and higher) Middle (0,500 - 0,799) Low (below 0,500)
Data are from 2000
For the complete list see
Sources of Data