Isla Aves

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Isla de Aves (Spanish for 'Island of Birds') is a Caribbean islet with soverignty disputed between Dominica and Venezuela. It lies to the west of the Leeward Islands chain at 15°40′18″N, 63°36′59″W. It is 375 meters in length and never more than 50 meters in width, and rises 4 m above the sea on a calm day. It is sometimes completely submerged during hurricanes. It is 115 miles southwest of Montserrat, 70 miles west of Dominica and 340 miles north of the Venezuela mainland.

For some time the island has been in danger of eroding altogether, and the Venezuelan authorities are considering ways to protect it, along with the territorial claims to the Caribbean Sea which radiate from 'Island of Birds'. The impact of Hurricane Allen in the 1980 Atlantic hurricane season divided it into two parts, but accretions of coral have subsequently reunited it. Mostly sand, a small portion has some scrubby vegetation.

In 1950, a Venezuelan Navy fleet consisting of 2 patrol boats and 1 transport boat reached the island and a group of soldiers effectively took control of the island. Twenty-eight years later in 1978, the Venezuelan Navy set up a Scientific Naval Base named "Simón Bolívar", which was permanently inhabited by a group of scientists and military personnel.

The Venezuelan military in 2004 expanded the Naval base which was raised on stilts above the water. Several Caribbean island states, including Dominica, have asserted to the UN that Venezuela's claim to an extensive Exclusive Economic Zone of up to 200 nautical miles (370 km) from Isla de Aves is illegal. They cite the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea provision that prohibits isolated, tiny islets from being used to make any claim beyond the 12 nautical mile (22 km) territorial sea limit. Venezuela is not a signatory to that UN Convention.

With the joint-signing of the PetroCaribe S.A. agreement between Venezuela and many of the Caribbean states, there may be decreased pressure by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) to continue pushing the sovereignty issue.

The island is a resting and breeding place for seabirds and the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas). Its low profile makes it a hazard to navigation, and many ships have been wrecked here.

It is not to be confused with the Islas Las Aves in the Los Roques group much nearer to the Venezuelan mainland.

[edit] History

The island was most likely discovered by Avaro Sanzze in 1584, though it was not settled. It was subsequently claimed for Britain, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands. From 1878 to 1912 the island was occupied by American guano miners until supplies were eventually exhausted.

Isla de Aves was included in Venezuela's territorial reorganization done by President Joaquin Crespo in 1895. By 1905, Isla de Aves was a municipality called "Municipio Oriental" part of Colon Federal Territory.

Aves Island is a particularly rare amateur radio "entity." In 2006 an expedition by operators to the island required 14 years of planning. Despite the fatal heart attack of one member, over 42,000 contacts were made during their week-long stay.

[edit] External links

[edit] Articles and papers

Political Divisions of Venezuela Flag of Venezuela
Capital District: Caracas
States: Amazonas | Anzoátegui | Apure | Aragua | Barinas | Bolívar | Carabobo | Cojedes | Delta Amacuro | Falcón | Guárico | Lara | Mérida | Miranda | Monagas | Nueva Esparta | Portuguesa | Sucre | Táchira | Trujillo | Vargas | Yaracuy | Zulia
Federal dependencies: Los Monjes Archipelago | Las Aves Archipelago | Isla Aves | Los Hermanos Island | Islas Los Frailes | Los Roques Archipelago | La Sola Island | La Tortuga Island | La Orchila | La Blanquilla Island | Los Testigos Island | Isla de Patos