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IRCBattle, created in 2001 by Nacho Litenstein, is a script for mIRC. Originally made as a parody to D&D with no real gameplay; however, as time passed, the author got motivated enough to turn it into a multiplayer battle system where a host runs the script(And optionally plays) while any number of remote players can participate via Remote commands.

With time the game changed and evolved: at first, it was a game where characters where randomly assigned to characters and the one who typed faster and experienced less lag won. During these first versions, only one trait was present, "Power" and races and classes had no major impact on the gameplay; they only contributed a special ability and one of two weapons per class to the player. Characters had a Health meter ranging roughly from 22000 to 40000 HP.

Eventually, it got boring quite fast and the author, in an attempt to add a bit more strategy and fun to the game added a turn system; turns are cyclical and ordered according to the channel's nicklist; that is, by operator status and then alphabetically. Even with all these improvements, not getting to keep your character still took away most of the fun from the game, so in a response to the claims of the regular players, Nacho decided to make a growth system, followed by items and equipment.

The author then thought that with equipment, skills and races, all that was left was distance. He at first thought of a 1D coordinate system with 5 different positions; You'd go further left or right, and distance was calculated using the difference of the absolute positions two players were currently in. This, however was not successful.

The current version holds a 2D(X/Y) grid, in which players can move freely according to their Movement trait. Placed in the field are hidden treasures that the player can find by moving on top of them.