Talk:Intellectual worker

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What, if any, is the anarchist party line on the dreaded non-disclosure agreement?

I would assume that most anarchists oppose such agreements.Pizza Puzzle

Note: The terms brain worker and knowledge worker are, I think, also in general use. -- Sam

What does an intellectual worker produce? Why should we feed and shelter such people? Sure, we need intellectuals, indeed everybody should do a bit of 'intellectual work' if they can, but people should do a bit of physical work as well. Too much division of labour could lead to the introduction of a class structure.


As the eminent 20th-century Russian-American philosopher Ayn Rand proved, it is not man's muscle but man's mind that is the fundamental source of all wealth. Kurt Weber 21:23, 11 September 2005 (UTC)

Why is it stated outright that intellectual worker is only used by anarchists and communists? I was introduced to that term in an ethics class (well, "knowledge worker") on the topic of intellectual property, and that was totally outside the context of anarchism and communism. I'm going to edit this. MrVoluntarist 01:27, 24 August 2005 (UTC)

Should be merged with knowledge worker..?