Intravenous drug use (recreational)

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[edit] History

IV drug use is a relatively recent phenomena, owing its creation to the invention of the first re-useable syringes as well as the synthesis of chemically pure morphine and cocaine.

It was noted that administering drugs intravenously strengthened their effect and since such drugs as heroin and cocaine were already being used to treat a wide variety of ailments, many patients were given injections of 'hard drugs' for such ailments as alcoholism and depression.

by the time of aliester Crowley [check date] intravenous drug culture already had a small, but loyal following. Arthur Conan Doyle writes that Sherlock Holmes used to inject cocaine before thinking about a particularly hard case.

the idea of wonder drugs that could make a person superhuman, banish fatigue and essentially improve human functioning was a central theme of this period, which climaxed in the Second World war, where both sides, but particularly the Germans, were high on amphetamines.

[edit] Initiation

Because learning to inject drugs yourself is very difficult, most people learn from someone else, which has given rise to a belief that IV drug users 'infect' others with their nefarious practice.

[edit] Social Stigma

Now days, there is a substantial social stigma attached to being an IV drug user, usually greatly exaggerated by the belief that IV use is somehow 'unclean'

[edit] Advantages

  • Increased Effect

Injecting a drug intravenously means that more of the drug will reach the brain quicker. Not only does this mean that the drug will have a very strong and rapid onset (or rush)

  • More efficient usage.

If you are addicted to a drug and are in a state of restricted supply, injecting ensures that all of the drug will be absorbed.

  • Bypasses the digestive system

Some people with sensitive stomaches findn it very unpleasant to swallow drugs because of persistent cramps or nausea.

  • does not harm the lungs or mucous membranes.

although somewhat of an unban legend that using drugs IV for an extended peroid will result in collapsed veins, this is untrue as long as the site of injection is constantly moved and old sites are given a chance to heal. The body has many metres of surface viens, unlike the mucous membranes, which are used continually when someone habitually snorts a drug and may undergo permanent damage.

[edit] Disadvantages

  • Increased chance of blood borne infection

This is a two fold problem. One is needle sharing which transmits blood borne diseases amongst users and the other is secondary infection of injection sites caused by lack of hygiene and failure to rotate the injection site.

  • Increased chance of Overdose

Because IV injecting delivers a dose of drug straight into the bloodstream it bypasses the body's natural chemical defenses. Taking too much can result unpleasant side effects, some of them very serious.

  • Scarring of the peripherial viens

Again, this is one of the problems principally caused by drug prohibition. If an IV user has access to clean, sharp needles, the scarring will be relatively mild and often hardly noticeable, like the marks of an insulin user. However, if forced to use blunt injecting equipment, horrible scarring can result. This is particularly common with users who have been injecting while in jail, who re-use disposable syringes sometimes hundreds of times.

  • Increased Chance of Addiction

The intense pleasure associated with IV drugs leads people to repeat the experience. This may, however, be something of a cliché, since there are many people addicted to drugs who do not inject them.

  • Social Stigma

Quite a number of people have an intense aversion to needles. In some people, it becomes a phobia, known as Trypanophobia, which can make some people feel nauseus or faint. There is also, in many societies, an intense social stigma attached to IV drug use. Many people feel that it is somehow unclean to take drugs in such a manner, even though they may be perfectly comfortable taking them by another route.

[edit] Preparation

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