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Internet2 or UCAID (University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development) is a non-profit consortium which develops and deploys advanced network applications and technologies, for education and high-speed data transfer purposes. It is led by 208 universities [1] and partners with 60 companies in areas from the networking (Cisco Systems), publishing (Prous Science) and technology industries such as Comcast, Intel and Sun Microsystems. Some of the technologies it has developed include IPv6, IP multicasting and quality of service. "Internet2" is a registered trademark [2].

Internet2 (and its members) created the Abilene Network and was a prime investor ($10 million) in the National LambdaRail (NLR) project [3]. During 2004–2006, Internet2 and NLR held extensive discussions regarding a possible merger [4]. Key to this merger was the condition that Internet2 would operate its successor to Abilene using NLR's infrastructure (NLR has IRUs on actual fiber infrastructure from WilTel, now Level(3), where Internet2 utilizes leased optical wavelengths from Qwest for Abilene). Those talks broke down in the Spring of 2006, and no future talks are expected [5]. Internet2 has since contracted with Level(3) for a similar unlit fiber infrastructure to operate their next generation research network [6]. NLR has cited Internet2's contracts with Level3 as their prime reason for withdrawing from the merger talks[citation needed]. Additionally, many feel that NLR's focus on experimentation made their infrastructure less reliable than what has typically been expected of Abilene[citation needed].

[edit] Internet2 relationship to the Abilene Network

There have been times when the media have reported on a network called "Internet2." This is misleading since Internet2 is in fact a consortium and not a computer network. "Internet2" is sometimes used as a misnomer for the Abilene Network.

The Abilene project is supported greatly by Qwest Communications through the use of Qwest's optical fiber networks. Internet2's Abilene transport agreement with Qwest is due to expire somewhere around October 2007. [7]. Internet2 has contracted with Level3 for the fiber required to support the successor to Abilene.

[edit] External links