International response to Hurricane Katrina

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Hurricane Katrina

2005 Atlantic hurricane season





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Many countries and international organizations offered the United States relief aid in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

Initially, the United States was reluctant for several days to accept donations and aid from foreign countries other than Canada and the United Kingdom. However, this policy was reversed, and as the reports of damage grew more grim, the United States slowly started to accept the foreign aid. Countries and organizations that offered to send aid mentioned by the State Department were Afghanistan, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, the Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Chile, People's Republic of China, Colombia, Cuba, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, the European Union, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, International Energy Agency, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Iran, Iraq, Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, South Korea, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, NATO, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Organization of American States, Oman, OPEC, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan (Republic of China), Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the United Nations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Venezuela and the World Health Organization. Other countries not on this list also offered aid, but the State Department mentioned that they (the State Department) had not been asked. Later, the US State Department said all offers were being examined.[1][2]

According to the European Commission, one week after the disaster, on September 4th, 2005, the United States officially asked the European Union for emergency help, asking for blankets, emergency medical kits, water and 500,000 food rations for victims. Help proposed by EU member states was coordinated through their crisis center. The British presidency of the EU functioned as contact with the USA.


[edit] Countries

Below is a list of countries who offered aid. Some of these efforts were not formally accepted by the U.S. government.

Pledged $100,000 to the hurricane victims.
Pledged $300,000.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Pledged $200,000 and made offers of help and assistance.
AUD 10 million and a team of 20 emergency response officers immediately. Australia is donating 8 million to American Red Cross.
140 specialists of the AFDRU were put on stand-by. Their focus was to have been on providing clean water with portable water-treatment plants. Within the EU Emergency Assistance for Katrina, Austria set up a communication network using IT and communication equipment for assistance/support, provided 10 sets petrol driven dirty water pumps, 500 pieces tarps/plastic sheeting and 300 camp beds.[3]
Made offers of help and assistance, including tarps, camp beds.
The Bahamas
Pledged $50,000.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Donated humanitarian aid worth $1 million and said it would send 160 disaster management experts, including doctors, nurses, engineers and others.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Offered 3 Medical teams of 31 personnel, logistic team of 10 personnel, coordination team of 4 personnel, civil engineering team of 10 personnel, diving team, and also balloon-lamps, low and high capacity pumps and small generators.[3]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Made offers of help and assistance.
The king donated $20,000 to match the $20,000 Cambodian government donation.
September 5, 35 military divers were poised to depart by air Sunday from Halifax and Esquimalt, B.C., for the New Orleans area.September 4, On the request from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Canada sent thousands of beds, blankets, surgical gloves and dressings and other medical supplies. On September 2 the Government of Canada announced it was sending three warships along with a Coast Guard vessel, and three Sea King helicopters to the area. Over 1,000 personnel are involved in the operation, including engineers and navy divers. The Canadian Heavy Urban Search and Rescue out of Vancouver was in Louisiana from September 1, due to security they started their mission on Sept 3. Ontario Hydro, Hydro-Québec, and Manitoba Hydro, along with other electrical utilities, had crews set to go to the affected areas. On September 2 Air Canada participated along with U.S. member airlines of the Air Transport Association, in a voluntary airline industry initiative to support rescue and relief operations.
Made offers of help and assistance.
People's Republic of China
On September 2, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it will offer $5 million along with emergency supplies, including 1,000 tents, 600 generators, bed sheets, immediately for disaster relief. China also offered to send medical care and rescue workers if they were needed.[4] This aid package consisting of 104 tons of supplies later arrived in Little Rock, Arkansas.[5] A chartered plane carrying the supplies arrived on September 7.[6]
Made offers of help and assistance.
Offered to send 1,586 doctors and 26 tons of medicine.[7]
Offered $50,000.
Czech Republic
Offered rescue teams, field hospital and pumps and water processing equipment.
Offered Water purification units.[3]
Offered $50,000.[2]
Offered police to monitor hard-hit areas.
Dominican Republic
Offered rescue workers, doctors and nurses.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Sent 2 C-130 planes loaded with blankets, medical equipment, and canned food.
El Salvador
Offered to send troops to help keep order in New Orleans.
Equatorial Guinea
Pledged $500,000.
Sent Finn Rescue Force—the group consists of 30 firemen and three Red Cross logistics experts.. Additionally Finland offered 300 tents, a water purification unit, sterile gloves, bed sheets, pillow covers, tarps and first aid kits.
Concrete help was refused by the government initially, however on September 2, Condoleezza Rice said that the US authorities would assess the situation and contact French authorities accordingly. On September 4, US authorities formally requested French assistance. France offered disaster relief stocks prepositioned in Martinique (600 tents, around 1000 beds, 60 electrogenic groups, 3 pumps, 3 water purification stations, 1000 folding jerricanes and other material). A 35-person team of the Sécurité civile (Civil defence) from Guadeloupe and Martinique were made ready, and a 60-man "catastrophe intervention" aeromobile detachment were prepared to be ferried from mainland in a short time. The Ministry of Defence offered 2 planes already in the zone and 6 more from mainland France, and two ships of the French Navy (probably the BATRAL Francis Garnier or Champlain, and the frigate Ventôse) and a 20-person team of emergency medical specialists. The non-governmental organisation Télécoms sans frontières and the company Véolia environnement offered aid in communications and water management, respectively. On September 7, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs stated that an Airbus Beluga from Toulouse with 12,7 tonnes of supplies flew to Mobile, Alabama, after a brief stop in the UK to load more food.[8] Two Casa airplanes from Martinique landed in Little Rock, Arkansas, ferrying tents, covers and 1000 rations of food for 24 hours.[3][9][10]
Pledged $500,000.[2]
Made offers of help and assistance.
Two German Army Airbus planes landed in Florida with about 25 tonnes of food rations to be transported to the disaster area. Further planes were prepared. Germany offered airlifting, vaccination, water purification, medical supplies including German air force hospital planes, emergency electrical power and pumping services. The aid was ready to go on German air force and chartered planes. A team of specialists from THW (German federal agency for technical relief) were planning technical measures and logistics in close contact with local authorities. A team of 89 flood fighting specialists and 5 medical personnel were dispatched from Ramstein Airbase to Louisiana by the American Air Force. They brought 15 high performance pumps (10 pumps with a capacity of 15,000 litres per minute and 5 pumps with a capacity of 5,000 litres per minute) and 28 vehicles.[11] On Saturday, September 10 at 4:30 p.m., the THW started the first 15,000 litre pump at pumping-station No. 19. Three other 15,000 litres pumps followed. The drainage of New Orleans would have taken much more time if these pumps and the THW specialists had not been provided.[12]
The Minister-President of the federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz addressed a letter to the commanders of the American forces stationed in his state offering financial support to those affected by the flooding.
Another German Air Force cargo plane carrying several thousand military rations (MRE) was denied entry into US airspace since, according to US authorities, they were not certified BSE-free. This was disputed by German authorities, pointing out that they were BSE-free according to NATO rules, that US soldiers would eat them regularly during joint operations (e.g. Afghanistan) and that these meals fully complied to UN rules.[13]
Two cruise ships to house those left homeless, a rescue team, and supplies.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Made offers of help and assistance and is organizing a telethon to raise money for victims.
Offered 135 flooding and sanitation experts.
Pledged $5,000 and offered to send a Special Search and Rescue Team, and also five doctors.
Has offered $500,000.
India offered to contribute $5 million to the United States Red Cross for relief and rehabilitation of the victims. They also offered to donate medicines and large water purification systems for use in households and small communities in the stricken areas, where potable water was a key concern.[14] India sent tarps, blankets and hygiene kits. An Indian Air Force IL-76 aircraft delivered 25 tonnes of relief supplies for the Hurricane Katrina victims at the Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas on September 13, 2005.[15]
Offered to send 45 doctors and 155 other medical staffers and 10,000 blankets to help survivors.
Offered to send humanitarian aid and 20 million barrels of crude oil.[10][16]
Pledged $1 million to the Red Cross via the Red Crescent.
Republic of Ireland
Offered to send 30 members of the Irish Defence Forces. The Irish army would have supplied thousands of ready meals, tents, blankets, water purification services and medical aid, including first aid kits, crutches and wheelchairs. The group would have includeD about ten experts in stress debriefing. Six of the troops would have operated two water purification plants. The Irish Government also announced it is to provide initial funding of EUR 1.2 million for the victims.
Sent a medical team. Israel offered field hospitals and hundreds of doctors, nurses, technicians and other experts in trauma, natural disasters and public health.[17]
Italy offered to send two Hercules C130 cargo jets fitted with emergency aids, including 300 Adult camp beds, 300 blankets, 600 sheets, 1 suction pump, 6 lifecrafts, 11.200 chlorine tablets, 5 units of large first aid kits, baby food formula pumps, tents and power generators. Italy also offered to send some experts of the Protezione Civile to help coordinating relief efforts in the damaged area.[3]
Made offers of help and assistance.
The Japanese Foreign Ministry said that it would provide $200,000 to the American Red Cross to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. Japan also identified needs in affected regions via the U.S. government and provided up to $300,000 in emergency supplies such as tents, blankets and power generators if they receive requests from the U.S. for such assistance. One Japanese individual, Takashi Endo, donated USD 1 million from his personal funds to Katrina relief efforts.[6]
Made offers of help and assistance.
Offered $100,000.[2] There were also early reports of $400 million in petroleum products being donated from Kenya, though these later proved to be erroneous.[18]
Korea, South
Offered $ 30 million and dispatched a rescue team.[6]
Pledged $ 490,000.
Parliament approved $500 million for aid in oil and other humanitarian aid.
Offered a disaster relief team.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Team of five persons, 1000 camp beds and 2000 blankets.[3]
Pledged $1 million to American Red Cross.
Sent $25,000 to American Red Cross.
Promised $200,000 to American Red Cross.
Made offers of help and assistance.[3]
Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas received almost 196 Mexican troops, 14 truckloads of water, a mobile surgical unit, 45 military vehicles, 3 tons of purified water, and more than 250 tons of food, bottled water, canned food, disposable diapers and medical supplies. The Mexican Government sent $1 million through the Mexican Red Cross which collected an additional million, as well as 200 tons of food delivered in five airplanes from the Mexican Air Force by another Mexican Government body. The Mexican Navy sent two ships, 385 troopers, eight all-terrain vehicles, seven amphibious vehicles, two tankers, two helicopters, radio communication equipment, medical personnel and 296 tons of food as well. The state of Jalisco also sent four experts in disaster, while the Federal government offered to sent expert teams in epidemiology and to cover the costs of returning any Mexican national back to Mexico.
Pledged $50,000.
Pledged $25,000.[19]
The Netherlands
Main article: Dutch response to Hurricane Katrina
Royal Netherlands Navy Frigate Hr.Ms. Van Amstel arrived from the Netherlands Antilles. The frigate was filled with supplies and had helicopters on board that can be used in rescue actions. Further, The Netherlands sent experts on the subject of water containment and dikes, identification teams and pumps to deliver clean drinking water, F-16s (??) and divers from the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps.
New Zealand
Pledged $2 million though the Red Cross. This contribution was in addition to the offers the government has already made to send an Urban Search and Rescue Team, a Disaster Victim Identification team or post disaster recovery personnel.[20]
Made offers of help and assistance.
Pledged $1 million to hurricane disaster relief.
Made offers of help and assistance. An amount of NOK 10 million was given through the Norwegian Red Cross and the UN. In addition, Norway offered divers and medicines.
Pledged $15 million.
On September 4 Pakistan offered to send a team of doctors and paramedics to support the relief agencies. Pakistan also pledged $1 million through the Red Cross.
Pledged $50,000.
Papua New Guinea
Promised $10,000 to American Red Cross.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Offered to send 80-100 doctors to help survivors.
the Philippines
Offered to send a 25-member team of aid workers. The Philippines Red Cross donated $25,000.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Offered tents, mattresses, blankets, hygiene kits. Portugal lent 2% of its strategic oil reserve, equivalent to 500,000 barrels of oil.
Pledged $100 million to the victims.[21]
Offered 2 Teams of medical experts.[3]
Main article: Russian response to Hurricane Katrina
Was one of the first countries to offer assistance. Up to four jets were placed on standby at the airport Ramenskoe near Moscow as early as August 30, including heavy Ilyushin Il-76-TDs with special evacuation equipment, medical equipment, a water-cleansing system, a rescue helicopter BK-117 and two special cars; and a passenger IL-62, which brought 10 coordinators and 50 rescuers, as well as 6 tons of drinking water. On September 6, the Bush administration gave its approval.[22]
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Refining, a Houston-based subsidiary of state oil firm Saudi Aramco, donated $5 million to the American Red Cross, as well as $250,000 from AGFUND.
Three Singaporean CH-47 Chinook helicopters and thirty-eight RSAF personnel from a training detachment based in Grand Prairie, Texas assisted in relief operations from 1 September. They had so far ferried about 700 evacuees and hauled tons of supplies in 39 sorties on 4 September. One more CH-47 Chinook helicopter was sent to aid in relief efforts.[23]
Promised blankets, beds, first aid kits.
$120,000 worth of cots, mattresses, blankets, temporary shelters and first-aid kits. [24]
Spain sent 2.1 million barrels of crude oil from its strategic reserves (the 1.75% of the Spanish reserves) for a 30 day period.[25] On September 7 two Hercules cargo jets took off with 15 tonnes of food rations, electrical generators and batteries, medical equipment and other humanitarian assistance collected by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI). A second envoy was sent a few days later.[26]
Sri Lanka
USD 25,000 for the victims of the hurricane.[27]
Sweden offered to send medical and technical aid, and a Hercules cargo jet filled with three complete GSM systems, first aid kits, blankets, Ready-to-eat meals, generators, 2 heavy water purification plants, as well as water sanitation experts. On September 4 the U.S. State Department declined the aid, saying it was currently unable to accept foreign aid packages. On September 12 the Hercules plane left the Gothenburg-Landvetter Airport, carrying a cargo of three Ericsson GSM network systems. A team of technical consultants to help with the aid package was also provided.[28]
Switzerland offered specialised personnel and material to the USA and the World Health Organisation (WHO). In accordance with US requirements, 50 tonnes of rescue equipment were ready to be sent, along with two logisticians of the Direction du développement et de la coopération (DDC, "Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation") to help coordinate distributions. Four physicians and two water specialists were also put to the disposal of the WHO.
Taiwan (Republic of China)
Pledged more than $3 million to the relief effort, plus supplies.[10]
Sent at least 60 doctors and nurses along with rice.
Sent two C-130s with relief supplies.
Promised $2.5 million in cash and aid.
Offered $200,000.[2]
United Arab Emirates
Pledged $100 million.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom dispatched 500,000 ration packs worth EUR 3 million, to the region. However, many of the ration packs did not reach victims due to laws regarding mad cow disease[29]. It also offered medical experts, Urban Search and Rescue equipment, Marine engineers and high-volume pumps, skilled personnel including engineers who could support recovery efforts for installations and systems, technicians, staff trained in disaster management and emergency response activities. It also pledged to release an extra 2.2 million barrels of oil.[3][30]
President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela offered one million barrels of oil and 5 million dollars in aid to the United States.[31] State-owned Petróleos de Venezuela, the parent company of Citgo Petroleum Corporation, has also pledged a $2 million donation for hurricane aid.[32] Two mobile hospital units were also offered, but were declined, according to Jesse Jackson.[33]
Pledged $100,000.
Pledged $100,000 through the Red Cross.

[edit] International organizations

Below is a list of international governmental organizations offering aid to the people of the United States.

European Union
Any help and assistance that is requested, also agreed to provide oil reserves to the U.S. The U.S. only accepted first aid kits, blankets, water trucks, and 500,000 Ready-to-eat meals.
Habitat for Humanity International
Pledged to help Habitat families and other low-income families in the affected areas recover and rebuild.[34]
International Energy Agency
The Paris-based International Energy Agency agreed to make 60 million barrels of product available "to help the United States weather the economic problems caused by Hurricane Katrina. The product, crude oil or gasoline, will go to the marketplace over the next month at the rate of 2 million barrels per day."[35]
IFRC (Red Cross and Red Crescent)
Sent more than 80 disaster experts. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies launched the largest mobilisation of resources for a single natural disaster, including the recruitment of 1,900 staff and volunteers. All available resources were moved to safe areas so relief efforts could begin immediately after the storm passed. More than 250 emergency response vehicles (ERVs) and countless other Red Cross resources were sent to provide hot meals, snacks, bottled water and distribute other much-needed relief supplies. The Red Cross opened shelters in support of the massive evacuations in all affected states. As of Monday, 29 August, some 230 Red Cross shelters had been opened in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, housing over 40,000 people. In coordination with the Southern Baptists, preparations have been made to provide more than 500,000 hot meals each day.[36]
International Medical Corps
Made offers of help and assistance.[37]
Made offers of help and assistance. As of September 4, NATO provided humanitarian aid, such as food, medical supplies, and wheelchairs. NATO was prepared to send troops, but the U.S. government has not issued a request for personnel.
Made offers of help and assistance.
Organization of American States
Donated $25,000 to the American Red Cross.
United Nations
The United Nations said it was ready to send supply water storage tanks, water purification tablets, high-energy biscuits, generators, planes, tents and other emergency supplies along with experienced staff members. The UN set up an inter-agency task force comprised of representatives from the United Nations Children's Fund, the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' office and the World Food Program, chaired by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) to determine resources available to assist U.S. relief efforts in anticipation of a possible request from the U.S. government.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Made, as an independent agency, offers of help and assistance.
World Health Organization
Made, as an independent agency, offers of help and assistance.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Staff Writer. "World mobilises to aid US victims." BBC News. September 2, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  2. ^ a b c d e Fisher-Thompson, Jim. "Uganda Is Latest African Donor of Relief to Hurricane Katrina." U.S. State Department: International Information Programs. September 8, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Hurricane Katrina list of offers from countries participating in the EU mechanism." (Press Release) European Union. September 5, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  4. ^ Staff Writer. "China to offer $5 mln to Katrina-hit US regions." Xinhua News Agency. September 3, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  5. ^ Staff Writer. "Relief goods from China arrives in US." Xinhua News Agency. September 8, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  6. ^ a b c Morse, Jane A. "Asia-Pacific Opens Hearts, Wallets to U.S. Victims of Katrina." U.S. State Department: International Information Programs. September 8, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  7. ^ Newman, Lucia. "Castro: U.S. hasn't responded to Katrina offer." CNN. September 5, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  8. ^ "Point de Presse du 6 Septembre 2005: Declrations du Porte-Parole." Government of France. September 6, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006. Article in French.
  9. ^ Schweid, Barry. "Countries Pledge Hurricane Aid to U.S." SF Gate. September 2, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  10. ^ a b c Staff Writer. "U.S. receives aid offers from around the world." CNN. September 4, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  11. ^ Staff Writer. "THW-experts for water damage and pumping on their way to New Orleans." Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk. September 8, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  12. ^ Staff Writer. "[THW Deployment in Louisana: Pumping has begun THW Deployment in Louisana: Pumping has begun]." Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk. September 11, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  13. ^ Staff Writer. "German Aid Arrives in US." Deutsche Welle. September 3, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  14. ^ Staff Writer. "India pledges 5 million dollars for Katrina relief operations." September 3, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  15. ^ "Indian aid for hurricane Katrina victims delivered." (Press Release_ Indian Embassy. September 17, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  16. ^ Harrison, Frances. "Iran offers US Katrina oil relief." BBC News. September 6, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  17. ^ Staff Writer. "Rice: All Foreign Aid Offers Will Be Accepted." Fox News. September 1, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  18. ^ Staff Writer. "Correction: Katrina-World-Offers-Glance." Associated Press. September 15, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  19. ^ Staff Writer. "Nepali king expresses condolence over US hurricane disaster." People's Daily. September 4, 2006. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  20. ^ "Further NZ assistance in wake of Hurricane Katrina." (Press Release) Scoop. September 6, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  21. ^ Koppel, Andrea. "Qatar offers $100m to relief fund." CNN. September 4, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  22. ^ Staff Writer. "Russia Sending Aid to U.S." Moscow Times. September 6, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  23. ^ Staff Writer. "RSAF Deployment to Assist in Hurricane Katrina Relief Operations." (Press Release) Ministry of Defence (Singapore). September 2, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  24. ^ Slovenian Aid for Katrina Victims on Its Way to the US
  25. ^ Staff Writer. "El Consejo de Ministros aprueba el envío del 2% de las reservas de crudo para ayudar a EEUU." El Mundo. September 9, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006. Article in Spanish.
  26. ^ Staff Writer. "España enviará hoy 16 toneladas de ayuda a EEUU para los afectados por el 'Katrina'." El Mundo. September 7, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006. Article in Spanish.
  27. ^ Staff Writer. "Sri Lanka promises aid for hurricane victims in U.S." ReliefWeb. September 2, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  28. ^ Staff Writer. "U.S. declines Swedish aid - for now." The Local. September 4, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  29. ^ Staff Writer. "US rejects British Katrina beef." BBC News. October 15, 2005.
  30. ^ Staff Writer. "Hurricane aid flights leaving UK." BBC News. September 6, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  31. ^ Staff Writer. "Suspendida, 79% de la producción petrolera de EU en el Golfo; Chávez envía gasolina y ayuda." La Jornada. September 5, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006. Article in Spanish.
  32. ^ McCollum, David. "Venezuela's CITGO pledges an additional $1 million to Hurricane relief efforts." September 5, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  33. ^ Staff Writer. "Venezuela formalizes offer of fuel and humanitarian aid for the United States." September 2, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  34. ^ Staff Writer. "Habitat for Humanity issues emergency appeal for hurricane funds to aid families." ReliefWeb. August 31, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  35. ^ Staff Writer. "Oil prices drop on reserve offers." BBC News. September 2, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.
  36. ^ "Information Bulletin on 'United States: Hurricane Katrina'." International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. September 1, 2005. Retrieved on June 10, 2005.
  37. ^ "Hurricane Katrina: Help Center." CNN. Retrieved on June 10, 2006.

[edit] External links