International conference on production diseases in farm animals

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The international conference on production diseases in farm animals or ICPD is a gathering of scientists, veterinarians, and other specialists.


Disciplines represented at the conference include animal science, veterinary medicine, biochemistry, nutrition, genetics, physiology, immunology, endocrinology, epidemiology and ethology. The ICPD has its roots in the study of metabolic diseases and continues to grow since its beginning in Urbana, Illinois in 1968.

The objective of the ICPD is to advance the study and understanding of those diseases and conditions afflicting animals managed for agricultural production. Metabolism and metabolic diseases continue to be the central themes of the ICPD, but the conference has taken a broader scope to include many factors influencing metabolism, such as nutrition, endocrinology, physiology, immunophysiology, genetics, and animal behaviour.

The conference takes place every 3 years; the next ICPD takes place in Leipzig, Germany. [1]

[edit] External link

ICPD 2007 in Leipzig [2]
