International Yoga Federation
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The real birth of the International Federation of Yoga goes back to 1987, in Montevideo in Uruguay under the name of International Federation of Professsional Yoga Teacher . In 2001 change the name to the International Yoga Federation.
The original idea of this federation came from the french yoga master Swami Asuri Kapila founder of Ramana Ashram (1934) and direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi and with the support of his friend Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh.
It is into 1935 that Swami Asuri Kapila (Cesar Della Rosa Bendio), introduced in Uruguay, and a few years after in Argentina and Brazil, the training course of Hatha Yoga, Yoga, Shankya, Shivaism of Kashmir, Ayurveda and Buddhism. Swami Asuri Kapila is the founder at 1935 of the National Yoga School of Uruguay (after on 1985 the Yoga Association of Uruguay), the Ramana Ashram (Purna Yoga Integral®) and the Maha Bodhi Shanga.
Swami Asuri Kapila studied yoga with his guru Ramana Maharshi, Swami Annamalai, the trika yoga with Swami Vidyadhar (Shivaism of Kashmir), Integral Yoga with Sri Aurobindo (in French India, Pondichery). It obtains the disha of Swami Vishwananda and the confirmation of Swami Chandrashekhara Bharati the Shankaracharya de Sringeri Peetham. Swami Asuri Kapila studied Buddhism with Anagarika Dhampala (David Hewavitharana) and LAMA Lobsang Dorje (Tibet). He was a friend of Alexandra David-Néel, Felix Guyot, Lucien Ferrier and Swami Sevananda (Leo Alvarez Costet de Mascheville) president Suddha Dharma Mandalam International.
In 1970 Krishna Kisore Dasji (Delhi) created the World Council of Yoga and after Swami Gitananda (Pondichery) the World Parliament of Yoga both in India.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Creation of the organizations members of the Federation In Europe
In 1948 Lucien Ferrier founded at Paris the Western of yoga Academy . With its death, in 1964, it is Roger Clerc who succeeds to him to continue his teaching. In addition, it occupies a long time the post of secretary general of the National Federation of France, and creates in 1978 the Academy of the Yoga of Energy. In 1972, in October, is founded the European Union of Yoga (UEY) by Claude Peltier, Roger Clerc, the Nile Hahoutoff, André Van Lysebeth and Hug which becomes the first secretary general. This Union organizes in 1973, under the impulse of Gerard Blitz his new secretary general, a first meet European in Zinal, Switzerland: 350 teachers coming from fifteen different countries took part in it. The topic was “the Occident vis-a-vis the heritage of yoga”.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ On the American continent
In 1982 Rama Vernon in the United States creates Unity In Yoga become Ad hoc Yoga Alliance of the United States. In octobre1985, the Union Latin-American of Yoga ULY is founded. (become in 2006 Latin-American Yoga federation) Yogacharya Dr. Estevez Griego (swami Maitreyananda) friend of Gerard Blitz and successor of Swami Asuri Kapila, becomes the first president of Latin-American Yoga Union. Mataji Indra Devi is elected honorary president and Yogacharini Silvia Irigoyen (Swamini Dayananda My) secretary general.
In 1988 the successor of Swami Asuri Kapila and Krishna Kisore Dasji: Yogacharya Dr. Estevez Griego (swami Maitreyananda) is elected president of International Yoga Federation, Krishna Kisore Dasji and Mataji Indra Devi are elected honorary presidents.
International federation of Yoga gathers the whole of associations and federations of yoga in the world.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Assessment
After 20 years and more than 20 world yoga conferences, many continental organizations of yoga are members of the International Federation of Yoga
in particular:
the European Alliance of Yoga, the European Federation of Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda, the European Association of the Professionals of Yoga, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda, European Union of yoga, the Council European of Yoga
the World Council of Yoga
Asian Union of Yoga, the Asian Alliance of Yoga,
the Alliance African of Yoga,
the Federation Latin-American of Yoga,
the North-American Federation of Yoga,
the Federation South-American de Yoga, the French-speaking Federation of yoga, association Ibero-American of Yoga, association Ibero-American of Yoga,
associations and national federations of yoga of Asia, Europe, America, Oceania and Africa
regional associations and federations of yoga International federations of yoga, yoga therapy, professionals of yoga, professors of yoga, etc
Integration with diversity is possible with tolerance, compassion, equanimity, harmony, affectionate kindness and goodwill (Swami Maitreyananda)
In 2006 Swami Dayananda My was elected executive president of the International Federation of Yoga and Swami Buaji the honorary president.
External bonds [1] International Yoga Federation [2] the World Yoga Council [3] Yoga Confederation of India