International Wheelchair Basketball Federation

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International Wheelchair Basketball Federation Logo
International Wheelchair Basketball Federation Logo

The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) is the international governing body for the sport of wheelchair basketball. IWBF is recognized by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) as the sole competent authority in wheelchair basketball world wide. International Basketball Federation (or FIBA) has recognized IWBF under Article 53 of its General Statutes.


[edit] History

In 1973, the International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation (ISMGF) established the first Sub-section for wheelchair basketball. At that time ISMGF was the world governing body for all wheelchair sports. In 1989, ISMGF accepted the name International Wheelchair Basketball Federation (IWBF) for its former sub-section. With this step wheelchair basketball began its journey for full independence and in 1993 IWBF was established as the world body for wheelchair basketball with full responsibility for development of the sport. Over the next five years IWBF membership grew in size and the federation configured itself into 4 geographical zones.

[edit] Zone Structure

IWBF studied several models before creating its current zone structure. Based on the number of National Organizations for Wheelchair Basketball (NOWB) with active programs at the national and international level it was decided that the Americas Zone and the EuroZone for IWBF could be the same as FIBA America and FIBA Europe. However, because of the limited number of countries with active programs in the rest of the world, IWBF chose to combine some regions to create better developmental and competitive opportunities within the zone. As a result the last two zones of IWBF are the Asia/Oceania Zone (AOZ) and the Afro/Arab Zones (AAZ).

As of 2003, IWBF has 76 NOWB actively participating in wheelchair basketball throughout the world with this number increasing each year.

[edit] Executive Council

IWBF is governed by an Executive Council that is elected at the World Congress every four years. Philip Craven (Great Britain) who had served as Chairperson of the ISMGF wheelchair basketball Section since 1988 was elected to be the first President of IWBF in 1993.

In 2001 Mr. Craven was elected to the position of President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and retired as president of IWBF at the World Congress in 2002. Mrs. Maureen Orchard (Canada) was elected as only the second president of IWBF at that same World Congress in Kitakyushu, Japan in 2002.

[edit] Wheelchair basketball national organizations around the world

Wheelchair basketball national organizations have developed in a variety of ways. Most started out the same way as IWBF, as a sub-section of a national wheelchair sport organization. As IWBF matured so did many of its member organizations and now there are several models that IWBF embraces within its membership. In Mexico the wheelchair basketball organizations are a part of their National Paralympic Committee(NPC). Australia is part of the Australian Wheelchair Athletes Ltd., and others are under the umbrella of a National Disabled Federation such as Bahrain who are part of the Bahrain Disabled Sports Federation. In the Netherlands wheelchair basketball is fully integrated into the Nederlandse Basketball Bond and in Canada the Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association is fully independent. In all cases where a member is part of a larger federation the IWBF only recognizes the part of that federation responsible for wheelchair basketball.

[edit] Member organizations

  • Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association
  • US - National Wheelchair Basketball Association
  • Australian Wheelchair Athletes Ltd.
  • Mexican - National National Paralympic Committee
  • Bahrain Disabled Sports Federation
  • Holland - Nederlandse Basketball Bond

[edit] See also

[edit] External link

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