International Radio and Television Organisation

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On-screen logo used by the Intervision Network.
On-screen logo used by the Intervision Network.

The International Radio and Television Organisation (official name in French: Organisation Internationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision or OIRT), more often called Intervision (Russian Интервидение, Polish Interwizja), was an East European network of radio and television broadcasters established in 1946 with the primary purpose of exchanging productions amongst its members.

The members of the OIRT were Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Finland, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the USSR. From 1950 onwards, its headquarters were located in Prague. Finland as a neutral country was also the member of EBU, which was the corresponding West-European organisation and used Western FM bands instead of Eastern OIRT FM bands in broadcasting.

Between 1977 and 1980 the OIRT organised four contests of the Intervision Song Contest in Sopot, Poland, in an attempt to emulate the highly successful Eurovision Song Contest.

In 1993 it merged with the European Broadcasting Union (which runs the Eurovision Network).

For more information on the history of Intervision clcik here [1]

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