International Nurses Day

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International Nurses Day (IND) is celebrated around the world every May 12. This day is celebrated to remember of all the valuable contributions nurses make to the society.

[edit] Background

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has celebrated this day since 1965. Prior to this in 1953 Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare proposed that then-President Eisenhower proclaim a "Nurses Day," although he did not sign it.[1]

In January 1974, the decision was made to celebrate the day on May 12 as it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. Each year, ICN prepares and distributes the International Nurses' Day Kit. The kit contains educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere.

As Florence Nightingale is no longer seen as a role model in some parts of the world, demands have arisen, for example by the British public sector union UNISON, to transfer this day on another date. 21 May, the birthday of Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845), has been suggested. Elizabeth Fry founded the Institution of Nursing Sisters and is also known for her work with prisoners. [2]

As of 1998, May 8 was designated as National Student Nurses Day, to be celebrated annually. And as of 2003, National School Nurse Day is celebrated on the Wednesday within National Nurses Week (May 6-12) each year.[3]

[edit] UK celebrations

Each year on May 12th a service is held in Westminster Abbey in London. During the Service, a symbolic Lamp is taken from the Nurses' Chapel in the Abbey and handed from one nurse to another, thence to the Dean, who places it on the High Altar. This signifies the passing of knowledge from one nurse to another. At St Margaret's Church at East Wellow in Hampshire, where Florence Nightingale is buried, a service is also held on the Sunday after her birthday.[4]

[edit] Themes

ICN themes for International Nurses Day:[5]

  • 1988 - Safe Motherhood
  • 1989 - School Health
  • 1990 - Nurses and Environment
  • 1991 - Mental Health - Nurses in Action
  • 1992 - Healthy Ageing
  • 1993 - Quality, costs and Nursing
  • 1994 - Healthy Families for Healthy Nation
  • 1995 - Women's Health: Nurses Pave the Way
  • 1996 - Better Health through Nursing Research
  • 1997 - Healthy Young People = A Brighter Future
  • 1998 - Partnership for Community Health
  • 1999 - Celebrating Nursing's Past, claiming the future
  • 2000 - Nurses - Always there for you
  • 2001 - Nurses, Always There for You: United Against Violence
  • 2002 - Nurses Always There for You: Caring for Families
  • 2003 - Nurses: Fighting AIDS stigma, working for all
  • 2004 - Nurses: Working with the Poor; Against Poverty
  • 2005 - Nurses for Patients Safety: Targeting counterfeit medicines and substandard medication
  • 2006 - Safe staffing saves lives

[edit] Nursing week

The U.S. and Canada celebrate their National Nursing Week each year from May 9 to May 15 each year. It was established in the U.S. by President Richard Nixon in 1974.

[edit] References

  1. ^ National Nurses Day 2006. Hallmark Press Room. Retrieved on 2006-12-02.
  2. ^ Nurses ditch Florence Nightingale image. BBC News. Retrieved on 2006-12-03.
  3. ^ National Nurses Week : History. ANA Nursing World. Retrieved on 2006-12-02.
  4. ^ Commemoration Service. Florence Nightingale Foundation. Retrieved on 2006-12-03.
  5. ^ International Nurses Day. International Council of Nurses. Retrieved on 2006-12-02.

[edit] See also

Image:Nightingale icon.png Nursing Portal

[edit] External links

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