International Legion

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The International Legion was created in Italy on October 5, 1860 by Guiseppe Garibaldi. It brought together different national divisions of French, Poles, Swiss, German and other nationalities, with a view not just of finishing the liberation of Italy, but also of their homelands. Ludwik Mieroslawski was made head of the organisation.

During Garibaldi's campaign in Sicily in 1859, he received reinforcements comprising of about 2,500 men. The largest contingent consisted of 500 Hungarians under the leadership of Colonel Türr with Adolf Mogyorody, Nandor Eber and Gustav Frigyesy. There was a British contingent, including John Peard, Hugh Forbes and Colonel John Dunne. Frenchmen included Lieutenant Paul de Flotte, Jean Philippe Bordone, Gustave Cluseret, Maxime du Camp and Alexandre Dumas, père.

[edit] See also