International Independent Hockey League

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The International Independent Hockey League (IIHL) was a semi pro hockey league started by Mike Killbreath of Flint, Michigan in 2004. Teams were claimed to exist in several cities, however only Lansing, MI, Harbor Springs, MI, Athens ,OH, and Soo, Mi actually played a game. The league started and stopped times several amidst continous, substantiated, claims of financial improprieties by Mr KIllbreath. The league shut down for good over Christmas 2004 when players, officials, and owners disbanded or refused to return for not being paid negatioted sums by Mike Killbreath. The league has unpaid debts around the Midwest, and Mr Killbreath has been the subject of numerous investigations by both media and law enforcement agencies. He is currently unemployed and continues to live in his in-laws basement in Flint.