International Academy of Science

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The International Academy of Science (IAS) is a inter- and transnational academy of science.


[edit] Foundation

The IAS was founded together with the International Council of Scientific Development (ICSD) in 1980 by initiative of Linus Pauling, Sir John Kendrew, Lord Alexander Todd, Andrei Sakharov, Konrad Lorenz and Ilya Prigogine (President of the IAS) and many other well known scientists of contemporaneity. Linus Karl Pauling was the Honorary President of IAS till the end of his life.

[edit] Aims

The main aim of IAS is unification of efforts of scientists from different countries for solving of actual global problems of contemporaneity of humanity and global sustainability.

[edit] Members and Network

IAS unites 1189 scientists and philosophers, politicians and public figures of the world. Among them there are 120 Nobel Prize laureates, more than 30 former and acting ministers and head of states and members of 81 national academies. Over 40 universities from different countries and many research centers are institutional members of the International Council of Scientific Development Network (ICSD)

The ICSD-Network contains more than 80 national academies of sciences, and more than 60 universities and research centers.

Many national sections of the Academy were founded and active: German, Russian, Azerbaijan, French, Indian, Japanese, East European, etc.

The Russian Section has 380 full members and three departments.

[edit] Conferences (Selection)

  • "An extended view" - International Symposium 2005 mit parallelen Workshops in Moscow, Baku und Sao Paul, together with the Medicial University Innsbruck, Eurasia-Pacific und ASEA UNINET.
  • "Interdisziplinäres FORUM über WISSENSCHAFT und POLITIK", 2005 togehter with the Philosophical Department University Munich
  • "The Future of Russia (social, economic and environmental aspects)", St. Petersburg 1998 togehter with the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation und St. Petersburg State Technical University
  • Conference "Zukunftsfähige Regionen in Europa - Umwelt, Gesundheit, Bildung im Kontekt der Agenda 21", Güstrow 2000 together with Landesregierung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Universität Rostock und City of Güstrow
  • International Symposium " The problems of ecology and technology in extreme conditions", 2002
  • International Symposium" Cyclic recurrence and cosmological problems", 2002
  • Conference" Problems of extreme situations and saftey of vital functions", 2002 und 2003 togehter with FOVGAL and the Universität für Architektur und Bau
  • Third Conference" Informational mechanisms of integrative activitiy of the organism", 2003
  • International Symposium" Stress and adaption", Barnaul 2003
  • International Symposium "Problems of rhythms in natural science" together with the Ministry of Education, Moscow 2004
  • Conference "Symbol in system of culture", Pedagocial University of KOMI in Syktyvkar, 2004
  • Conference "Problems of prophylaxis and human health", Moscow 2004

[edit] References

    • International Academy of Science. Founding Report. Munich 1990
    • International Academy of Science. Science without Borders. Transactions of the International Academy of Science. Baku - Innsbruck 2004

    [edit] External links

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