Internal security
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Internal security, or IS, is the act of keeping domestic peace within a country. It is often carried out by police, government personnel, or specialized military (such as the Itallian Carabinieri), Iranian Basij or paramilitary forces (such as the French GIGN or the german GSG-9). They are either armed whith lethal of less than lethal weapons. Internal security is also a state of society or a country in which a citizen is able to enjoy freely with in the law ,his social, political,economic and cultural life with out any negative contraints put upon him by either the state or non state actors. A citizen is secure internally if hes free from: crimes (such as murder), 2.From miltancy related (such as violence), or 3. From terrorist activities by citizens with in the country who may be aided and abbeted by neighbouring country. Or 4.Communal riots or oppression by majority ethnic religious caste groups. However, the majority of contries suffer from one probelem or another related to internal security.