Interlobular duct

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A Interlobular duct is a gland duct which connects more than one lobule. It is smaller than a interlobar duct.

Examples of where it can be found include

[edit] References

  1. ^ Histology at OU 80_13 - "Pancreas"
  2. ^ Histology at
  3. ^ Histology at BU 09002loa - "Female Reproductive System: mammary gland, pregnancy, duct"
  4. ^ Histology at BU 10101lba - "Digestive System: Oral Cavity and Teeth parotid gland "
  5. ^ Histology at USC gi/c_68
v  d  e
Glands (Endocrine, Exocrine)
mechanism (Merocrine, Apocrine, Holocrine) shape (Tubular gland, Alveolar gland) secretion (Serous glands, Mucous glands, Serous demilune)

Ducts: Interlobar duct, Interlobular duct, Intralobular duct (Striated duct, Intercalated duct), Acinus