Interdictor Star Destroyer

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in-t&r-'dikt-t&r stär di-'stroi(-&)r: "A classification of starships with a length of 600 meters or longer built with the intent to destroy or deter with a triangular prow and a compliment of starfighters that forbids in an authoritative manner"

Interdictor Star Destroyers are a group of warships in the Star Wars Universe. Their main purpose is to interdict using unique and rare devices called gravity well generators. These generators created a field of gravity that distorted the spacetime continuum in the area. They did not literally draw in nearby objects, but in hyperspace, this graviton field was accentuated, disrupting hyperspace travel in the vicinity. All starships that were currently in hyperspace in the area would be drawn in. A common tactic was to pair an Interdictor Star Destroyer with an Imperial-class Star Destroyer at a point in deep space where a convoy would pass by in hyperspace. Then, the convoy would be pulled out, and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer would destroy the convoy.

There are many individual classifications:

The older Interdictor Star Destroyers have gravity well generators take up a large amount of energy, taking power away from weapon systems, making them very vulnerable for their size. They also have large spheres for their gravity well projectors, making them instantly recognizable.

The Interdictor-class Star Destroyer.
The Interdictor-class Star Destroyer.

In the newer classifications of Interdictor Star Destroyers, the formerly cumbersome and energy-voracious gravity well projectors were modified to become physically sleeker and less obtrusive, and they took a fraction of the energy formerly needed. This meant that various classifications of Star Destroyers could be interdictors, but be externally identical to other vessels of their former classification. For example, the Galactic Alliance Interdictor Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mon Mothma was externally exactly identical to its sister vessel, a standard Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the Bail Organa.

There was also an Interdictor-class heavy cruiser that was actively used in the Sith War nearby four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. This classification was believed to be the forerunner of the Immobilizer-418-class heavy cruiser, hence they were the ancestors of all Interdictor Star Destroyers.

The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser Leviathan attacks the freighter Ebon Hawk over the planet of Taris.
The Interdictor-class heavy cruiser Leviathan attacks the freighter Ebon Hawk over the planet of Taris.