Intercrural sex

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Intercrural sex (from 'inter-' and Latin 'crura,' legs), also known as femoral/interfemoral sex/intercourse, is a type of intercourse variously regarded as penetrative [1] and non-penetrative sex , in which one partner places his penis between the other partner's thighs (often with lubrication [1]), and thrusts to create friction.


[edit] Heterosexuality

The sex education and sexual experimentation of adolescents and children may feature or have featured intercrural sex in the interests of avoiding pregnancy and preserving virginity. [2][3].In 1987 the Shere Hite report on Female Sexuality found that some adult women reported being able to orgasm through stimulation of the clitoris by the penis, including via intercrural intercourse. [2]

[edit] Male homosexuality

Intercrural intercourse was a common in the Ancient Greek system of pederasty, where penetrative sex was considered demeaning to the receiving partner. The historian K.J. Dover wrote about this extensively in his book Greek Homosexuality (1977), from which current theories on the subject of Greek male-male sexuality are largely derived. [3] Joan Roughgarden refers to standing face-to-face intercrural intercourse as the "gay male missionary position" of ancient Greece in a section of her recent book Evolution's Rainbow that draws heavily on Dover [4].

Intercrural sex is sometimes known as the "Princeton First-Year".[5] The term may refer to a system by which upperclassmen helped new students assimilate to university life in exchange for sexual gratification. A similar system was present at Oxford University, hence the synonym "Oxford Style." Students at both Oxford and Princeton may have been imitating homosexual practices in ancient Greece, referenced by authors such as Plato and Aristotle (see homosexuality in ancient Greece).

Intercrural intercourse has been proposed as an important part of the sexual lives of a handful of notable historical figures known or suspected to have been homosexual or bisexual. According to his biographer Richard Ellman, Oscar Wilde was introduced to intercrural sex by Robert Baldwin Ross, and it appears to have been his preferred activity, even over oral sex. [4]. Shaka Zulu is speculated to have encouraged intercrural intercourse amoung his troops to "create intimacy and loyalty".[6] Quotes attributed to the Cynic philosophers regarding Alexander the Great, made both during and after his lifetime, seem to presume intercural intercouse between Alexander and Hephaistion. [7] Similarly comment's made by a bed mate about Abraham Lincoln's thighs led to speculation of intercrural intercouse between the two in C.A. Tripp's recent The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln. [8]

Though some modern Christians and Jews have made the argument that intercural intercourse is not specifically condemned by Leviticus 18 or 20. [5] it has been subject to various historical sodomy laws [[6]] and religious restrictions, one of the questions a young man entering confessional during the medieval period would be asked was "Have you fornicated with another male between his thighs? By this I mean, have you ever put your manhood between the thighs of the other, and through vigorous movement ejaculated semen?" [9] . Intercrural intercourse appears to have been common during the medieval era anyway, a contemporary document titled the "Altercatio Ganimedis et Helene" (the Debate of Helen and Ganymede) depicts Greco-Roman mythical figure Ganymede describing the "slippery thighs of a boy" as superior to the "stink and gaping looseness of the female cave". [10] [[7]],

Intercrural sex is still quite common in some communities, a recent report on the sexual health needs of MSM in the Calcutta suburbs found that 73% of men asked engaged in intercrural intercourse, though the frequency varied based on demographic factors: only 54% of sex workers, 50% of lower income men and 40% of Muslims reported intercrural sex; while 82% of Hindus and 88% of middle income men reported engaging in it.[11] A similar study from South Asia reported that intercrural sex was tied with anal sex as the second most preferred sex act of men asked, making it more popular than oral sex or frottage.[12]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Kilmer, Martin (1993). Greek Erotica on Attic Red-Figure Vases. Duckworth Publishing.
  2. ^ Hite, Shere (1987). The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality. Dell.
  3. ^ Dover, K.J. (1977). Greek Homosexuality. MJF Books.
  4. ^ Roughgarden, Joan (2005). Evolutions Rainbow. University of California Press.
  5. ^ The Oxford English Dictionary, "The Princeton First-Year"
  6. ^ Gevisser, Mark (1999). Homosexuality in Africa: An Interpretation. New York: Basic Ovitas Books.
  7. ^ Fox, Robin Lane (1994). Alexander the Great. Penguin Books.
  8. ^ Tripp, C.A., Jean Baker (2005). The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln.
  9. ^ Kick, Russ (2005). Everything You Know About Sex is Wrong. The Disinformation Company.
  10. ^ Boswell, John (2005). Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press.
  11. ^
  12. ^

[edit] External links