Integrated engineering

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Integrated Engineering is a multi-disciplinary, design project based engineering degree program.


Integrated Engnineering is a program created to meet the demand for engineers who are able to deal with a wide range of problems, often involving knowledge from several disciplines. The demand arise from the current state of industry, where both the products manufactured and the plants which make the products are progressing towards greater diversity and sophistication. Recent studies had shown concern in both Canada and in the United States that engineering graduates were not well-prepared for many of today's multi-disciplinary and project-based workplace. Several committees have been formed to study this and have published some material. One Canadian study was done by the Canadian Academy of Engineering and two of its main conclusions were:

  • Engineering faculties should ensure that breadth of learning, beyond the technical aspects of the specialist engineering discipline, is a major thrust in engineering education.
  • The engineering curriculum should emphasize problem-solving, design, and the development of the learning skills of their students. Integrated Engineers acquire background in core disciplines such as: materials, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and systems involving chemical, electro-mechanical, and biological components.

[edit] Academia and Accreditation

Integrated Engineering originated at the University of Western Ontario in Ontario, Canada and in 2000 the Applied Science Faculty of the University of British Columbia also began a degree program for Integrated Engineering. Though the program is relatively new, it has become increasingly popular in recent years. Currently, University of Liverpool, University of Windsor and University of Nottingham also offer Integrated Engineering programs.

In Canada the program has been fully accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board and engineers are able to obtain a Professional Engineer (P.Eng) Certificate. In University of Liverpool, the Integrated Engineering Program is accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and can lead to Chartered Engineer status.

[edit] Trivia

  • At the University of British Columbia the Integrated Engineering Program is commonly referred to as IGEN, as written so in the course code. Students of the program are often referred to as "IGENs" (just as Mechanical Engineering students may be referred to as "MECHs").

[edit] See also

[edit] External links