INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications

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The activities of INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications can be traced back to the late 1960's and to the foresight of Elton H. Rule, general manager of KABC-TV in Los Angeles and later President and Vice Chairman of the Board of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. Convinced that broadcasters have an obligation to provide educational opportunities for adults, as well as children, Rule issued a challenge to colleges in the southern California area. If a group of institutions could work together in the development of college credit television courses, he would supply production facilities and personnel, as well as local broadcast time to air the programs.

Eighteen community colleges accepted the challenge, and INTELECOM was formally established in the Spring of 1970. Early courses were similar in format to the SUNRISE SEMESTER series broadcast by CBS from 1957 to 1982. Over the years, each successive project became more sophisticated in academic design and production techniques. Instead of trying to duplicate the instructor's role, course designers began to take advantage of the unique contributions of various production techniques and technology.


[edit] Southern California Consortium for Community College Television

In addition to production and distribution, INTELECOM serves as the managing and fiscal agent for The Southern California Consortium for Community College Television – a distance learning consortium which has grown from 18 member colleges from its founding in 1970, to today's membership of 15 Community College Districts representing 31 southern California community colleges. We also provide our member colleges a variety of consultative services related to their distance learning programs.

INTELECOM serves the consortium in several ways:

  • Producing credit and non-credit telecommunications-based courses;
  • Acquiring or leasing additional media-based for use by the consortium;
  • Operating and programming its own cable channel, the Community College Instructional Network, and;
  • Offering a number of other support functions, including staff development and course workshops.

In addition, INTELECOM owns and operates the Community College Instructional Network (CCIN) - a wireless cable system owned and operated by INTELECOM, with signal strength reaching Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange counties. The channel broadcasts in excess of 100 hours of educational programming per week for the benefit of enrolled distant learners and the community.

[edit] Board of Directors

Dr. Thomas Fallo, President, El Camino College

Dr. Paul McKenna (Vice Chairperson), Director of Distance Education, Los Angeles Community College District

Dr. Eva Conrad (Secretary), President, Moorpark College

Dr. John Nixon, Vice President, Instruction, Mount San Antonio College

Dr. James Kossler (Chair), President, Pasadena City College

Dr. Donald Averill, Chancellor, San Bernardino Community College District

James Glapa-Glossklag, Dean, Distance Learning Programs and Training, College of the Canyons

[edit] Course Development

Distance learning courses from INTELECOM typically integrate video lessons, a leading textbook, a distance learning study guide, an exam bank and faculty guide, and web-based eContent. The course content is distributed through a variety of methods: public television (PBS); cable, ITFS, MDS, and satellite systems; video streaming; and campus course management systems, such as WebCT and Blackboard Inc.

Course components typically include:

  • Broadcast-quality video lessons featuring leading experts and authorities, case studies, dramatic recreations, and computer generated graphics;
  • a course textbook or worktexts;
  • a customizable online component in HTML and WebCT formats;
  • a correlated study guide with content overview and self study aids;
  • a faculty guide and exam bank.

The design of distance learning courses from INTELECOM make them appropriate for use across the range of distance learning programs: telecourse, web-enhanced, hybrid curriculum, online courses.

[edit] Course Listing

[edit] Higher Education

Business and the Law (business law)
By The Numbers (business mathematics)
The Sales Connection (principles of selling)
Something Ventured (small business management)
Taking the Lead (principles of management)
Earth Revealed (geology)
The Endless Voyage (oceanography)
The Mechanical Universe and Beyond (physics)
Preserving the Legacy: Industrial Processes & Waste Stream Management (pollution prevention)
Preserving the Legacy: Introduction to Environmental Technology (environmental science) The Examined Life (philosophy)
Framework for Democracy (american government)
The Human Condition (personal health)
Inside Out (introduction to psychology)
Literary Visions (reading, writing, literature)
Our Families, Ourselves (marriages and families)
The Unfinished Nation I (history I)
The Unfinished Nation II (history II)
The Way We Live (sociology)
The Human Condition (personal health)

[edit] Secondary Education

The Mechancial Universe: High School Adaptation (physics)
Earth Revealed Classroom Adaptation (earth science)
Universe: The Infinite Frontier Adaptation (astronomy)

[edit] Adult Basic Education

Crossroads Cafe (ESL/adult literacy)
Lifelines (family literacy/ABE)
Madison Heights (family literacy/ABE)
On Common Ground (ESL/civics education/citizenship)

[edit] Awards

  • Los Angeles Area Emmy Award from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for Oceanus: The Marine Environment.
  • Los Angeles Area Emmy Award from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for Personal Finance.
  • Gold Award, Scientific Themes at the International Film and Television Festival of New York for The Mechanical Universe.
  • The Japan Prize for The Mechanical Universe.
  • Gold Plaque at the Chicago Film Festival for The Mechanical Universe.
  • Gold Award, Physical Sciences and Mathematics at the National Educational Film and Video Festival for The Mechanical Universe.
  • Best Distance Learning Program-Higher Education for By the Numbers. The 10th Annual United States Distance Learning Association TeleCon Awards.
  • President's Award for By the Numbers. The Sixth Annual CCAIT Video Competition.
  • Golden Eagle Award for Earth Revealed. The 35th Annual CINE Annual Film & Video Awards.
  • Best Distance Learning Program: Higher Education for Something Ventured. The 11th Annual TeleCon Awards.
  • President's Award for The Sales Connection. The Seventh Annual CCAIT Video Competition.
  • Silver Plaque for Earth Revealed. The Chicago International Film Festival.
  • Award for Technical Excellence for Taking the Lead. The PBS Engineering Committee.
  • Best Distance Learning Program: Continuing Education for Crossroads Cafe. The 15th Annual TeleCon Awards.
  • Golden Eagle Award for Earth Revealed Classroom Adaptation. 1997 CINE Competition.
  • Gold CINDY for Preserving the Legacy: Industrial Processes and Waste Stream Management. The 39th Annual International Cinema in Industry Competition
  • Bronze WorldMedal (Humanities) for The Examined Life. The New York Festivals (Non-Broadcast) Competition.
  • Gold CINDY Award (Environment & Ecology) for Preserving the Legacy: Introduction to Environmental Technology. The 41st Annual International Cinema in Industry Competition.
  • Bronze CINDY Award (Social Sciences) for On Common Ground. The 41st Annual Interrnational Cinema in Industry Competition.

[edit] Member Colleges