Institute for Neurosemantics

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Neurosemantics or Neuro-Semantics is a model that describes how we humans get meaning (semantics) so incorporated into our body (neurology)so that we feel meanings and do so in terms of our emotions and states.

Neurosemantics is an inter-disciplinary field, drawing from Cognitive Behavioural Psychology, General Semantics, Neuro-linguistic Programming and Systems Thinking. Neuro-Semantics explores the structure of meaning and how those meanings become embodied within us. Neuro-Semantics approaches the mind-body-emotion system in several ways. From the mental dimension, it explores how language works inside of us, how we attribute meaning, create meaning by words, associations, framing, metaphors, etc. From the neurological dimension, it explores how our body works with ideas to "realize" or "actualize" them and how what we do influences what we believe.

The Institute for Neurosemantics is one of the many organisations that build on Neuro-linguistic Programming. Its developers include Michael Hall and Bobby G. Bodenhamer.

[edit] About Neurosemantics

From the institute's website:

Neurosemantics is about two things: first it is about performing our highest and best meanings. Second, it is about adding richer and more robust meanings to our performances... Neurosemantics is about unleashing potentials by mobilizing our best resources. If you are interested in becoming more resourceful, running your own brain, taking charge of your own life, and actualizing all of your incredible latent potentials, you will find the models and patterns of Neuro-Semantics powerful tools and processes.

[edit] External links