Institute for Environment and Sustainability

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The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) is a specialised institute of the Joint Research Centre directorate of the European Commission, based at Ispra, Italy. Its mission is to provide scientific and technical support to EU policies for the protection of the environment contributing to sustainable development in Europe.


[edit] Research activities

The Institute's research activities are divided into 21 "Research Actions" distributed amongst 8 scientific units as follows:

  • Climate Change Unit
  • Data Quality System for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks (Action 2211)
  • Trade-offs between climate and air pollution policies (Action 2212)
  • Global Environment Monitoring Unit
  • Monitoring and assessment of marine ecosystems (Action 2121)
  • Terrestrial ecosystem monitoring in EU development-assistance priority regions (Action 2221)
  • Advanced remote sensing methods for global ecosystem characterization (Action 2222)
  • Transport and Air Quality Unit
  • Air Quality and Health (Action 2112)
  • Emissions Characterisation and Inventories (Action 2113)
  • Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (Action 2114)
  • Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit
  • Integrated Water Quality Information System (Action 2123)
  • European Ecological Water Quality Assessment and Intercalibration (Action 2124)
  • Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems Assessment and Monitoring (Action 2126)
  • Environmental Assessment of European Wastes and Sustainable Management of Resources (Action 2131)
  • Integration of Environment Concerns into Agriculture (Action 2153)
  • Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit
  • European Spatial Data Infrastructure (Action 2142)
  • Land Management and Natural Hazards Unit
  • Monitoring the state of European soils (Action 2132) linked to Eusoils[1]
  • Information and monitoring of the forest environment (Action 2141) linked to Forest Focus[2]
  • Floods and other weather-driven natural hazards - Prediction and Mitigation (Action 4336)
  • Renewable Energies Unit
  • Scientific-Technical Reference System on Renewable Energy and Efficient Use of Electricity (Action 2312)
  • Solar Electricity (Action 2324)
  • Task Force Environment and Health
  • Feasibility Study Integrated Environment and Health Information System (Action 1424)

[edit] Other JRC sites

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ European Soil portal at JRC
  2. ^ INFOREST website at JRC

[edit] External links