INSA Toulouse

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The INSA Toulouse is a Grande École d'Ingénieurs, a School of Engineering, under the authority of the French Ministry of Education and Research and part of the INSA's network.

INSA Toulouse's first mission is to train engineers, 430 graduate each year in 9 specializations:


[edit] Specializations

INSA Toulouse currently offers the following specializations:

  • Systems Engineering
  • Mathematical and modelling engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Networks - telecommunications
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Automatic control – Electronics– Informatics
  • Industrial processes engineering
  • Biochemical engineering
  • Civil engineering

Note that other specializations are possible in the other INSAs (Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg).

[edit] New European program

In 2002, INSA Toulouse decided to reform its structure to adapt to the European 3/5/8 system.

The new programme, better adapted to the social and economic environment, includes a one-year common core, two years of pre-specialization and two years of specialization.

A « Bachelor » (Bsc) degree is awarded after three years and a « Master » (Msc) degree after five years.

[edit] INSA culture

In addition to the sciences, great emphasis is placed on the humanities (more than 40 clubs) and sport (tennis, golf, rowing, rugby, swimming, badmington, football, cycling...).

INSA is also attractive to foreign students who represent more than 16% of the student population currently in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. French students have also to spent a minimum period of 3 months abroad during their studies, that makes the INSA an international school.

[edit] Location

Toulouse is located in the south of France. The INSA is more precisely on the Rangueil Campus (that also includes Université Paul Sabatier II) along the Canal du Midi.

[edit] External link

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