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Inosine chemical structure
Systematic (IUPAC) name
CAS number 58-63-9
ATC code D06BB05
PubChem 6021
DrugBank EXPT02378
Chemical data
Formula C10H12N4O5
Mol. weight 268.229 g/mol
Pharmacokinetic data
Bioavailability  ?
Metabolism  ?
Half life  ?
Excretion  ?
Therapeutic considerations
Pregnancy cat.


Legal status
Routes  ?

Inosine is a molecule (known as a nucleoside) that is formed when hypoxanthine is attached to a ribose ring (also known as a ribofuranose) via a β-N9-glycosidic bond.

This is a very common modified nucleoside found in tRNAs and is essential for proper translation of the genetic code in Wobble base pairs.

Inosine is a nucleic acid important for RNA editing. Adenine (A) is converted to Inosine (I), which pairs with Guanine (G).

Inosine is also an intermediate in a chain of purine nucleotides reactions required for muscle movements.

It was tried in the seventies in eastern countries for improving athletic performance, based on the fact that is an intermediate compound used in the muscle movements. Nevertheless the clinical trials with this purpose showed no improvement [1].

Nowadays, it has been shown that inosine has neuroprotective properties. It has been proposed for administration after stroke, because observation has shown that axonal re-wiring is encouraged.[2]- It has been tried also for multiple sclerosis and is currently in phase II of the trials [3].

It produces uric acid after ingestion, which is a natural antioxidant and a peroxinitrite scavenger, which can explain the behaviour in multiple sclerosis [4](peroxynitrite has been correlated with the axons degeneration [5]).

Currently Boston Life Sciences holds the patent for treatment of stroke [6] and this company is currently investigating its properties for MS under the name axosine for Multiple Sclerosis.

[edit] See also

PDR health study

Antivirals (primarily J05A, also S01AD and D06BB) edit
Anti-herpesvirus agents   Aciclovir, Cidofovir, Docosanol, Famciclovir, Fomivirsen, Foscarnet, Ganciclovir, Idoxuridine, Penciclovir, Trifluridine, Tromantadine, Valaciclovir, Valganciclovir, Vidarabine
Anti-influenza agents Amantadine, Oseltamivir, Peramivir, Rimantadine, Zanamivir
Antiretroviral drugs   NRTIs Abacavir, Didanosine, Emtricitabine, Lamivudine, Stavudine, Zalcitabine, Zidovudine
NtRTIs   Tenofovir
NNRTIs   Efavirenz, Delavirdine, Nevirapine
PIs Amprenavir, Atazanavir, Darunavir, Fosamprenavir, Indinavir, Lopinavir, Nelfinavir, Ritonavir, Saquinavir, Tipranavir
Fusion inhibitors Enfuvirtide
Other antiviral agents Adefovir, Fomivirsen, Imiquimod, Inosine,Interferon, Podophyllotoxin, Ribavirin, Viramidine
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