Template:Infobox photographic lenses
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This template is for photographic lens.
[edit] Usage
{{Infobox photographic lens | name = Lens name | image = An image to show in the infobox | caption = A caption for the image | maker = Who makes the lens (link) | feat-is = Features Image Stabilisation technology | feat-usm = Features Silent Motor technology | feat-sbf = Requires Short Back Focus body | feat-macro = Macro focus capable | feat-special = special categorization e.g. Diffractive Optic, L-Series, etc. | application = Suggested application (e.g portrait, landscape, etc.) | type = Zoom, Prime or Special | flength = 35mm equivalent focal length (range for a zoom lens) | fov = Field of view (given as a focal length multiplier) | aperture = Max and min apertures (given in f-stops) | groups = Lens construction (# groups) | elements = Lens construction (# elements) | diaphragm = Number of diaphragm blades | close-dist = Close focusing distance (m/ft) | max-mag = Max magnification (x) | max-diameter = Lens maximum diameter (mm/in) | max-length = Lens maximum diameter (mm/in) | weight = Lens weight without body (kg/lbs) | filter = Filter diameter (mm) | hood = Lens hood | av-horiz = Angle of viewing (Horizontal) | av-vert = Angle of viewing (Vertical) | av-diag = Angle of viewing (Diagonal) | start = Year the lens was introduced | stop = Year the lens was discontinued | replace = The lens that superceded this item (link) | msrp = Manufacturers standard retail price (US$) }}
All fields, except 'name' are optional.
Adds the article to the Photographic lens category.
See the talk page for some examples which show the full usage of this infobox in a few combinations.