Template:Infobox Hong Kong Secondary Schools

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


校名 {{{chinese_name}}}
{{{MI}}} as the Medium of Instruction
Headmaster †{{{headmaster}}}
Principal †{{{principal}}}
Vice-Principal †{{{vice-principal}}}
Supervisor †{{{supervisor}}}
Established {{{established}}}
School type {{{type}}}
Address {{{address}}}
District {{{district}}}
Students †{{{students}}}
Junior students †{{{junior}}}
Senior students †{{{senior}}}
Six-formers †{{{sixth-formers}}}
Banding †{{{banding}}}
Telephone No. {{{telephone}}}
Fax number †{{{faxnumber}}}
Email {{{email}}}
Website {{{website}}}


[edit] Usage

[edit] Required Fields

{{Infobox Hong Kong Secondary Schools
|chinese_name                (Chinese name of the school)
|english_name                (English name of the school)
|MI                          (Chinese or English as Medium of Instruction)
|established                 (Year if Establishment)
|type                        (Government, aided, private, and so on)
|address                     (Address of the school)
|district                    (The district of where the school located)
|telephone                   (Telephone Number for voical communication)
|email                       (Email address for enquiry)
|website                     (http://www.theschool.edu)

[edit] Optional Fields

|logo                        (Logo of school)
|headmaster                  (Name of headmaster)
|principal                   (Name of school principal)
|vice-principal              (Name of school vice-principal(s))
|supervisor                  (Name of school supervisor)
|stduents                    (Number of all students in the school. 
                              Use junior, senior, six-formers for verbose details)
|junior                      (Number of F.1 - F.3 students)
|senior                      (Number of F.4 - F.5 students)
|sixth-formers               (Number of F.6 - F.7 students)
|banding                     (Banding of school, assessed by The Education Dept, Hong Kong)
|faxnumber                   (Telephone Number for fax machines)

[edit] Empty syntax

{{Infobox Hong Kong Schools
|logo = 
|chinese_name = ""
|english_name = ""               
|MI = ""
|headmaster= ""
|principal= ""
|vice-principal = ""
|supervisor = ""
|established = ""
|type = ""                    
|address = ""                   
|district = ""    
|stduents = ""
|junior = ""
|senior = ""
|sixth-formers = ""
|banding  = ""
|telephone = "" 
|faxnumber = ""                              
|email = ""                       
|website = ""                   