Infante Afonso, Lord of Portalegre

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Portuguese Royalty
House of Burgundy
Afonso Henriques (Afonso I)
Children include
Sancho I
Children include
Afonso II
Children include
Sancho II
Afonso III
Children include
Children include
Afonso IV
Children include
Peter I
Children include
Ferdinand I
Children include

Afonso of Portugal (Portuguese pron. IPA [ɐ'fõsu]; English: Alphonzo or Alphonse) was a Portuguese infante, son of King Afonso III of Portugal and his second wife Beatrice of Castile. He was title Lord of Portalegre

Afonso was born on February 8, 1263 and in 1287 married Violante of Castile, daughter of Castilian Infante Juan Manuel of Castile.

Afonso died on November 2, 1312 in Lisbon.