Industry Canada

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Industry Canada is the department of the Government of Canada with responsibility for regional economic development, investment, and innovation/research and development. The department employs 6104 FTEs across Canada.[1]

The Department headquarters is located at the C.D. Howe Building at 235 Queen Street in Ottawa, Ontario.

Industry Canada is involved in the Modern Comptrollership Initiative, which seeks to modernize the management practices of the Government of Canada.


[edit] Executives

The current Minister of Industry is the Honourable Maxime Bernier. The Parliamentary Secretary is Jerry Pickard and the Deputy Minister is Richard Dicerni.

[edit] Agencies and boards

The Department oversees several agencies and boards including the :

[edit] External links

[edit] References

Departments of the Government of Canada Flag of Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food | Canadian Heritage | Citizenship and Immigration | Environment | Finance | Fisheries and Oceans | Foreign Affairs | Health | Human Resources and Skills Development | Indian and Northern Affairs | Industry | International Trade | Justice | National Defence | Natural Resources | Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness | Public Works and Government Services | Social Development | Transport | Veterans Affairs