Industrial Relations Taskforce

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In December 2005, the caucus of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party, established a Taskforce to examine the adverse effects of the Government’s industrial relations changes (Work Choices) on individuals, families and communities. In particular, the terms of reference [1] require the Taskforce to examine the adverse effects on women, young people and those in regional and rural areas and to identify specific examples of the abuse of the laws.

The members of the Taskforce are Brendan O'Connor (Chair), Chris Hayes (secretary), Bob McMullan (Deputy Chair), Sharon Grierson, Sharon Bird, Jennie George, Steve Hutchins, Kate Ellis and Carol Brown.

The Taskforce has visited over 20 federal electorates and spoken with a over 200 witnesses. In June 2006, the Taskforce released its interim report [2], which has been distributed widely and received much coverage in the media.