Indochina War timeline
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1840s-1890s - Wars of French colonization in Indochina.
1941 - French colonial government collaborates with Japanese aggression in Southeast Asia. Japanese military forces occupy bases in Vietnam while French colonial government continues to govern. Ho Chi Minh emerges as a leader of anti-Japanese resistance.
1945 - Japanese briefly assume direct rule in Indochina and recognize the independence of Cambodia. Following the end of hostilities, British and U.S. military forces assist the French attempt to reestablish colonial rule in Indochina. The Vietminh resist. First Indochina War begins.
1949 - Mao Tse Tung consolidates power in China for Communists.
1950 - The Korean War indicates a big threat in Asia. The United States begins to cover 75% of French military expenses of the war in Indochina. China begins to provide North Vietnam with modern military weapons.
1953 - Ho Chi Minh introduces a land reform program that classifies the population into five categories, and collectivization begins in North Vietnam.
1954 - French are defeated at Dien Bien Phu after the United States refuses to send air support. The Geneva accords are signed by French and Vietminh, establishing the International Control Commission, deciding that the 17th parallel will be the temporary dividing line between the two, and creating plans for a free election in Vietnam no later than July 1956. Ngo Dinh Diem gains power in South Vietnam. United States sends technical and financial aid in expectation of social and land reform. SEATO formed by Pakistan, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, France, United Kingdom, and United States. South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia join later. The nations agree to consult regarding military affairs; the commitment is not as strict or as binding as that required by NATO.
1955 - The height of the land reform program in North Vietnam. Under Ho Chi Minh's rule, between 10,000 and 100,000 individuals were murdered as a direct result of the class warfare that the Vietminh leadership waged. Mass terror unfolded throughout North Vietnam as dissidents and "class enemies" were rounded up and executed.
1956 - In North Vietnam, nearly 6,000 villagers in Ho Chi Minh's hometown of Nghe-An are deported or executed for rebelling against the brutal repression of the North Vietnamese government. In the the Nhan Van, Giai Pham affair, intellectuals were punished either by imprisonment, execution, or exile for publishing criticism of the North Vietnamse government. Meanwhile, no elections in South Vietnam or North Vietnam take place. Diem outlaws his opposition, and election of village chiefs.
1960 - Political opposition in South Vietnam goes underground. Sporadic terrorism occurs; Vietcong ask for, and obtain, help from North Vietnam.
1960 - Vietcong conduct a campaign to assassinate village chiefs appointed by Diem.
1961 - John F. Kennedy sends 1,364 American advisors to South Vietnam. Still no land reform. An operation of U.S. military pilots and planes were ordered to bomb targets in South Vietnam. The operation is cancelled moments before takeoff.
1962 - The number of U.S. advisers increases to 9865. U.S. pilots are clandestinely bombing North Vietnam in an attempt to destabilize the Ho Chi Minh government. "The U.S. did not want to harm relations with Diem, and he was the last political stronghold in Vietnam facing the communists. This 'fact' is debatable..."
1963 - 15,500 Americans in Vietnam. Diem is losing his grip on the Buddhist revolutionaries. Kennedy agrees with South Vietnamese generals to remove Diem. With the CIA's conveying Kennedy's approval, Diem is assassinated in a military coup and succeeded by a series of military commanders. John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas. He had reconsidered the Vietnam strategy —hundreds of soldiers were on route to the US at the time of his assassination.
1964 - Situation in South Vietnam deteriorates rapidly. In August, Gulf of Tonkin Incident occurs. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by the United States Congress gives Lyndon B. Johnson a free hand to protect American forces in Vietnam, the pretext for deepening the U.S. military commitment. Publicly, Johnson had taken a mild position during his election campaign regarding the Vietnam issue, but privately agrees to proceed with the escalated Vietnam policy, now seemingly an entrenched policy.
1965 - In February, the United States begins to bomb North Vietnam on a steady basis after the Pleiku attacks. In March, Marines land at Da Nang to begin full scale U.S. military action. In May, a 6-day bombing pause occurs. In August, 125,000 American troops are in Vietnam. In December, American bombing pauses again, with no apparent reaction from the Vietnamese.
1966 - 400,000 American troops are now in Vietnam. In September, South Vietnam elects Thieu and Ky under their new constitution. One of Thieu's first acts after being put in power is to arrest the leader of his opposition.
1967 - 500,000 American troops in Vietnam. U.S. conducts demonstration election and claims Saigon government is legitimate based on voter turnout.
1968 - Tet offensive occurs. The U.S. embassy is occupied for a short while. On March 12, the state of New Hampshire gives strong support to Eugene McCarthy, running on a campaign to end the war. On March 16, 1968, U.S. Army troops murder 347 civilians in My Lai. News of the massacre does not reach the U.S. public until November, 1969. On March 31, Lyndon Johnson calls for a partial bombing halt, and announces "I will not seek or accept my party's nomination for President of the United States." In April, the United States and North Vietnam begin talks in Paris. In October, Johnson halts all bombing north of the 17th parallel. Four-way talks begin.
1969 - In March, Richard Nixon announces secret talks have been taking place. As of April, 33,000 American troops have been killed in Vietnam. On November 15th, there is a massive peace demonstration in Washington. Seymour Hersh breaks the My Lai massacre story. The Anti-war movement gained steam upon the evidence of atrocities by U.S. forces.
1971 - As of February, approx. 325,000 American troops remain in Vietnam. South Vietnam invades Laos with support from the U.S. About 45,000 American soldiers have died in Vietnam thus far.
1972 - In October, Nixon and Henry Kissinger announces that "peace is at hand", with an agreement to end the war. In December, the U.S. begins to bomb North Vietnam again, with the famous Christmas day raids. Demonstrations in the U.S. begin anew.
1973 - U.S. involvement in Vietnam finally ends. Kissinger wins Nobel Peace Prize. The U.S. lost about 50,000 soldiers in Vietnam, and suffered more than 300,000 wounded. Later estimates put the figure of Vietnamese deaths up to nearly 5 million, 4 million civilians killed. The war cost nearly 150 billion U.S. dollars.
1975 - On April 30th, Saigon falls to North Vietnam and becomes Ho Chi Minh City. President Gerald Ford, in the days shortly preceding the collapse of Saigon, asked for $750 million from Congress to help the U.S. ally.
1975 - Since 1975 as many as 1.5 million people have fled Vietnam, many in unseaworthy boats risking storms and pirates to reach an uncertain haven. Perhaps 500,000 of them died at sea.
1979 (February-March) Sino-Vietnamese War begins and ends.