Index Translationum

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The Index Translationum is an index of translated authors kept by Unesco.

Since the advent of the printing press, books had been translated at the initiative of individual publishers and booksellers, with no central record of such translations. To the orderly minds of the world's national librarians, the system seemed little better than anarchic. The League of Nations was pressured into setting up the first systematic record of translations. The Index Translationum was born in 1932.

In 1946, Unesco took over the chore. In 1979, the system was computerised and a true cumulative database began to take shape. Since there is no systematic data on global book sales, the Index has come to be the best available proxy. If you want to ask the question "Who are the most popular authors in the world?" then the Index is the only way to get an answer.

As of October 2006, the 10 most translated authors in the world with over 1500 translations each are [1]:

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  1. ^
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