Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa

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The Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa or ISASA is the largest association of independent schools in Southern Africa.

[edit] History

ISASA traces its origins back to the Conference of Headmasters and Headmistresses formed in 1929, and more recently to the Independent Schools Council, which was dissolved to create ISASA in 1999.

ISASA today is a section 21 company (not for gain), which represents more than 460 independent schools in South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, Angola and Mozambique. Over 120,000 learners attend ISASA-affiliated schools.

Since the collapse of the apartheid state and the advent of democracy in South Africa, dramatic changes have occurred in the independent (private) school sector. In 1990, there were approximately 550 registered independent schools in the country. The dominant public perception of independent schools at that time was “white, affluent and exclusive”.

[edit] Present Situation

There are now at least 1290 independent schools in South Africa – more if primary and secondary schools are counted separately. Over 60% of all independent schools have been established since 1990. The sector now educates more than 400,000 learners, of which 70% are non-white (58% are African). The majority of schools charge fees below R6 000 per annum. Only 14% of schools charge fees of more than R20 000 per annum.

Despite an increase in the number of for-profit independent schools, the sector remains overwhelmingly not-for-profit. Most independent schools are also small schools, with 350 learners per school or less. This is partly because so many of them are newly established. The sector serves a wide range of different religions, philosophies and educational approaches across the full socio-economic spectrum. Religious schools, at 43% of sector, are the largest subcategory of independent school.

[edit] External links