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Imre, although not the first American gay novel (John Brent by Theodore Winthrop [1861] and Joseph and His Friend by Bayard Taylor [1870] preceed it), is the first such with a happy ending. It was written by Edward Prime-Stevenson (born 20 January,1858, Madison, New Jersey, USA; died 23 July, 1942, Lausanne, Switzerland), and first published in a limited-edition imprint of 500 copies, paid for by the author, who published it under psudonym of Xavier Mayne, in 1906.
It was described by the author as "a little psychological romance". The narrative follows the lives to two men, who by chance meet at a cafe in Budapest, Hungary. Over the course of some years they forge a friendship that leads to various revalations and disclosures, each of which are carried out with the greatest of sublety.