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Imparfait (imperfect tense in English) is a commonly-used past tense in the French language. It is used to express an ongoing condition or a repeated or incompleted action in the past.

  • First, to form the stem used for the imparfait, simply drop the -ons from the first-person, plural:
nous parlons            becomes               parl-
nous finissons          becomes               finiss-
nous vendons            becomes               vend-
  • Even most irregular verbs form their imparfait stem in the same way:
nous partons            becomes               part-
nous prenons            becomes               pren-
nous avons              becomes               av-
nous faisons            becomes               fais-
  • The only verb that wanders from this pattern is être, to be. Its imparfait stem is ét-.
  • Once the stem is found, simply add the following endings:
je      -ais         nous        -ions
tu      -ais         vous        -iez
il      -ait         ils         -aient
  • An example of a verb conjugated (être) in the imparfait:
j'           étais
tu           étais
il, elle, on était
nous         étions
vous         étiez
ils, elles   étaient

[edit] See also

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