Icosahedral symmetry

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A regular icosahedron has 60 rotational (or orientation-preserving) symmetries, and a total of 120 symmetries including transformations that combine a reflection and a rotation. A regular dodecahedron has the same set of symmetries, since it is the dual of the icosahedron.

The set of orientation-preserving symmetries forms a group referred to as A5 (the alternating group on 5 letters), and the full symmetry group (including reflections) is the product A5 × C2 of A5 with a cyclic group of order 2.


[edit] Details

The icosahedral rotation group I with fundamental domain
The icosahedral rotation group I with fundamental domain

Apart from the two infinite series of prismatic and antiprismatic symmetry, rotational icosahedral symmetry or chiral icosahedral symmetry of chiral objects and full icosahedral symmetry or achiral icosahedral symmetry are the discrete point symmetries (or equivalently, symmetries on the sphere) with the largest symmetry groups.

Icosahedral symmetry is not compatible with translational symmetry, so there are no associated crystallographic point groups or space groups. The icosahedral rotation group I is of order 60. The group I is isomorphic to A5, the alternating group of even permutations of five objects. (The five objects being permuted by I in the case at hand are the five inscribed cubes in the dual dodecahedron.) The group contains 5 versions of Th with 20 versions of D3 (10 axes, 2 per axis), and 6 versions of D5.

The full icosahedral group Ih has order 120. It has I as normal subgroup of index 2. The group Ih is isomorphic to I × C2, or A5 × C2, with the inversion in the center corresponding to element (identity,-1), where C2 is written multiplicatively. The group contains 10 versions of D3d and 6 versions of D5d (symmetries like antiprisms).

Schönflies crystallographic notation Coxeter notation Conway's orbifold notation Order
I [3,5]+ 532 60
Ih [3,5] *532 120


I: \langle s,t \mid s^2, t^3, (st)^5 \rangle

Ih: \langle s,t\mid s^3(st)^{-2}, t^5(st)^{-2}\rangle

Note that other presentations are possible.

In the disdyakis triacontahedron  one full face is a fundamental domain; other solids with the same symmetry can be obtained by adjusting the orientation of the faces, e.g. flattening selected subsets of faces to combine each subset into one face, or replacing each face by multiple faces, or a curved surface.
In the disdyakis triacontahedron one full face is a fundamental domain; other solids with the same symmetry can be obtained by adjusting the orientation of the faces, e.g. flattening selected subsets of faces to combine each subset into one face, or replacing each face by multiple faces, or a curved surface.
The icosahedral group Ih with fundamental domain
The icosahedral group Ih with fundamental domain

[edit] Conjugacy classes

The conjugacy classes of I are:

  • identity
  • 12 × rotation by 72°
  • 12 × rotation by 144°
  • 20 × rotation by 120°
  • 15 × rotation by 180°

Those of Ih include also each with inversion:

  • inversion
  • 12 × rotoreflection by 108°
  • 12 × rotoreflection by 36°
  • 20 × rotoreflection by 60°
  • 15 × reflection

[edit] Subgroups

I contains 5 copies of T.

Ih contains 5 copies of Th.

[edit] Solids with full icosahedral symmetry

(For details see below.)

Platonic solids - regular polyhedra (all faces of the same type)



Archimedean solids - polyhedra with more than one polygon face type.




Catalan solids - duals of the Archimedean solids.






[edit] Platonic solids

Name Picture Faces Edges Vertices Edges per face Faces meeting
at each vertex
dodecahedron Dodecahedron


12 30 20 5 3
icosahedron Icosahedron


20 30 12 3 5

[edit] Achiral Archimedean solids

Name picture Faces Edges Vertices Vertex configuration
(quasi-regular: vertex- and edge-uniform)
32 20 triangles
12 pentagons
60 30 3,5,3,5
truncated dodecahedron Truncated dodecahedron
32 20 triangles
12 decagons
90 60 3,10,10
truncated icosahedron
or commonly football (soccer ball)
Truncated icosahedron
32 12 pentagons
20 hexagons
90 60 5,6,6
or small rhombicosidodecahedron
62 20 triangles
30 squares
12 pentagons
120 60 3,4,5,4
truncated icosidodecahedron
or great rhombicosidodecahedron
Truncated icosidodecahedron
62 30 squares
20 hexagons
12 decagons
180 120 4,6,10

[edit] Achiral Catalan solids

Name picture Dual Archimedean solid Faces Edges Vertices Face Polygon
rhombic triacontahedron
(quasi-regular dual: face- and edge-uniform)
Rhombic triacontahedron
icosidodecahedron 30 60 32 rhombus
triakis icosahedron Triakis icosahedron
truncated dodecahedron  60 90 32 isosceles triangle
pentakis dodecahedron Pentakis dodecahedron
truncated icosahedron  60 90 32 isosceles triangle
deltoidal hexecontahedron Deltoidal hexecontahedron
rhombicosidodecahedron  60 120 62 kite
disdyakis triacontahedron
or hexakis icosahedron
Disdyakis triacontahedron
truncated icosidodecahedron  120 180 62 scalene triangle

[edit] Kepler-Poinsot solids

[edit] Achiral nonconvex uniform polyhedra

[edit] Chiral Archimedean and Catalan solids

Archimedean solids:

Name picture Faces Edges Vertices Vertex configuration
snub dodecahedron
or snub icosidodecahedron (2 chiral forms)
Snub dodecahedron (Ccw)
Snub dodecahedron (Cw)
92 80 triangles
12 pentagons
150 60 3,3,3,3,5

Catalan solids:

Name picture Dual Archimedean solid Faces Edges Vertices Face Polygon
pentagonal hexecontahedron Pentagonal hexecontahedron (Ccw)Pentagonal hexecontahedron (Cw)
snub dodecahedron 60 150 92 irregular pentagon

Stellated Archimedean solids:

[edit] Chiral nonconvex uniform polyhedra

[edit] See also