Ibn Yunus (crater)

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Crater characteristics
Coordinates 14.1° N, 91.1° E
Diameter 58 km
Depth Unknown
Colongitude   270° at sunrise
Eponym Ibn Yunus

Ibn Yunus is the remains of a flooded lunar crater. It lies on the far side of the Moon, just past the eastern limb. It can only be viewed from Earth under conditions of favorable libration and lighting, and even then it is seen from the edge. This feature is attached to the east-southeastern outer rim of the flooded Goddard crater. It lies within the Mare Marginis, a lunar mare along the eastern limb.

What survives of this crater is a low, roughly circular ridge projecting up through the mare. This ring is broken along the western and southern edges, and the interior floor is covered by a nearly level surface with a relatively low albedo.

[edit] References

  • See the reference table for the general listing of literature and web sites that were used in the compilation of this page.