IBM 9020
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The IBM 9020 refers to IBM System/360-family computers adapted for use by the U.S. FAA for en route Air Traffic Control in its 20 Air Route Traffic Control Centers beginning in the late 1960s. The IBM 9020E, for example, was based on the System 360/65.
The 9020s were in service until 1989 when they were finally replaced by IBM 3083 BX1 mainframes as part of the FAA's HOST upgrade. The 3083s in turn were replaced with IBM 9672 RA4 parallel processing servers during the FAA's Host and Oceanic Computer System Replacement (HOCSR) completed in 1999. At least during the first phase of the upgrade, the 9672's were running the FAA's original assembly language code in System/360 emulation mode.
One reason for the 1999 upgrade was concerns, probably unfounded, that the IBM 3083's microcode would not operate properly in the year 2000.