I Will Remember You (Angel episode)

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Angel episode
"I Will Remember You"

Angel in the sunlight after becoming human
Angel after sleeping with Buffy
Episode № Season 1
Episode 8
Guest star(s) Carey Cannon
   (Female Oracle)
Randall Slavin
   (Male Oracle)
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Writer(s) David Greenwalt, Jeannine Renshaw
Director David Grossman
Production № 1ADH08
Airdate November 23, 1999
Episode chronology
Previous episode Bachelor Party
Next episode Hero

"I Will Remember You" is episode 8 of season 1 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel (series) episodes for a complete list.


[edit] Plot synopsis

[edit] Summary

Buffy comes to Los Angeles to visit her father and decides to meet Angel, who recently watched her in Sunnydale. When discussing it in his office, Angel is attacked by a demon. Angel wounds the demon and they give chase, splitting up in the sewers. Angel catches the demon and kills it, getting some of the demon's blood in the fight. It turns him into a human being.

Angel returns to Doyle and Cordelia, who discover that he has a new-found appetite. Doyle takes Angel to a link to the Powers That Be - The Oracles - to see if it is legit. It is and Angel immediately looks for Buffy. They try but fail to resist the temptation and end up spending the night together. Doyle then receives a vision that the demon is not dead and notifies Angel. Not wanting to disturb Buffy whilst she slept, Angel goes after the demon himself. Doyle discovers that the jewel the demon wears must be destroyed for it to be killed.

Angel is hurt in the battle when Buffy comes to his rescue. He realises that it would always be so and asks the Oracles what they can do. Angel is told that Buffy will die if he remains as a mortal. He is granted his wish after giving a persuasive speech; time will be turned back 24 hours, when Buffy first shows up at the office. Angel tells Buffy what is going to happen; things become very emotional. A minute later, time is turned back, Angel kills the demon and is left alone with the memory.

[edit] Expanded

Cordelia and Doyle watch Angel, and look for signs of depression after he returns from seeing Buffy in Sunnydale. He pulls out a stake, and they assume it's to kill himself with, when it's really just to level his desk. Then, while they talk about what happened in Sunnydale, Buffy shows up and she's not happy that Angel didn't let her know he was in town. Cordelia introduces Doyle and then they leave.

Buffy is mad, but Angel tries to explain that he didn't want to hurt her. As she's about to leave, a demon attacks and they both fight. Angel stabs the demon and gets some of the demon's blood on him. They go to hunt the demon in the sewers and argue over who will kill it. They talk about their relationship, and how hard it is for both of them, and end up arguing again. While Buffy goes above ground to look for the demon, Angel finds it still in the sewers. The demon cuts Angel's hand and when Angel stabs it again, the demon's blood mixes with his own. Suddenly, the vampire within him is lifted and Angel is human again.

Angel returns to the office and Doyle figures out that he's human. Angel stands in the sunlight and discovers his incredible desire for food. Doyle tells him about the demon that caused this, and Angel demands to speak to The Powers That Be. With some help from Doyle, Angel gets access and the Oracles confirm that he is human and that it's not temporary. He will age like a normal man and he will die like a normal man. By the beach, where Buffy is walking, Angel approaches her and kisses her. The two of them later talk about Angel being human and their relationship. Angel wants to wait before they do anything just so they don't make any mistakes. Unable to control themselves though, Buffy and Angel end up having sex on the kitchen table and then up in bed eating food.

Doyle and Cordelia drown their sorrows at a bar, and Cordelia complains that that they're out of a job now. Doyle gets a vision that more demons will be made. Buffy is content with her life, and for the first time, feels like a normal girl. After informing Angel about the threat of even more demons, a newly human Angel refuses to wake up Buffy and goes out to fight them alone. The Mohra demon has the ability of restoration and needs large amounts of salt to live. Without any super-human strengths though, Angel is beaten up badly by the demon. Buffy wakes up and finally manages to get Cordelia to tell her where Angel is.

After Angel and the Mohra demon fall down into an underground salt chamber, Buffy is able to find them and join in on the fight. Angel spots the jewel on the demon's forehead and remembers that destroying its "thousand eyes" can kill it. Angel tells Buffy how to kill it and she does. Angel returns to ask the Oracles a question and is told that as long as he is human, Buffy will die. He asks for his immortality back. It can happen only if the day is erased and only Angel holds the memories of what happened.

Angel goes back to Buffy and tells her he asked to be a vampire again. She's upset, but Angel says it's the only way it can be. Looking at the clock, they have only one minute before the day is erased. They both cry, and kiss one more time. In a flash, things switch back to when Buffy first showed up in Angel's office. When the demon attacks, Angel kills it immediately, knowing to smash the jewel on its forehead. Buffy is impressed, and then she leaves.

[edit] Bestiary

[edit] Mohra demon

Mohra demons dress in armors similar to those worn by samurais
Mohra demons dress in armors similar to those worn by samurais

The Mohra are a race of demonic assassins that hunt down warriors of good, such as Angel or Buffy. These demons have green skin and a red jewel embedded on their foreheads; they also require vast amounts of salt to live. Mohras have the ability to regenerate wounds thanks to their blood, known as the "blood of eternity", which has regenerative properties. If a Mohra is killed, it will return to life, much stronger and bigger than before, and the only way to destroy them for good is to "bring darkness to [its] thousand eyes" - destroy the jewel on the forehead.

This blood can also resurrect a souled vampire and make him/her human again, as it destroys the demon within and heals the body back to life. The effects on a regular, unsouled vampire, are not mentioned. As the blood only regenerates the body, it would turn the vampire either on a fully regenerated corpse or in a zombie.

[edit] The Oracles

The Oracles
The Oracles

The Oracles are a pair of human-like beings, a brother and a sister, that serve and speak for the Powers That Be, though they are unpredictable and self-important. They dwell on a temple in another dimension which can be accessed via The Gateway for Lost Souls, located under the post office. Only warriors of good with a pure heart can beseech the aid of the Oracles, who demand a tribute for their advice, usually a small object of value. The Oracles have many powers, including precognition, telekinesis, altering the flow of time and transmogrification (they are known for turning those who annoy them into frogs).

[edit] Writing and acting

[edit] Production details

[edit] Quotes and trivia

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

When Angel and Buffy are crying over the clock near the end, if listened to carefully, you can hear David Boreanaz say, "Sarah, please, Sarah," instead of her character's name 'Buffy', signifying the scene's intensity towards both actor's emotions.

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Arc significance

Crossover with Buffy: This episode follows the events of "Pangs", which was aired immediately before.

An important element to this episode that is often overshadowed by the Buffy romance is that Angel's mission of redemption is now his choice.

This episode is the first time that Angel makes an arrangement that causes those around him to forget something significant in order to protect those he loves. Later, Angel will alter everyone's memories so that his son, Connor, can have a normal life.

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse chronology: Fall 1999 - December 1999
(non-canon = italic)
L.A. 1999 Angel comic: Doyle: Spotlight
L.A. 1999 A1.01 City of
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.01 The Freshman
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.02 Living Conditions
L.A. 1999 A1.02 Corrupt (unaired)
L.A. 1999 A1.02 Lonely Hearts
L.A. 1999 A1.00 Unaired Angel pilot
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Not Forgotten
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.03 The Harsh Light of Day
L.A. 1999 A1.03 In the Dark
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.04 Fear, Itself
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy graphic novel: Blood of Carthage
L.A. 1999 Angel graphic novel: Surrogates
L.A. 1999 Angel comic: Strange Bedfellows story, Angel #4
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy video game: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Game Boy Color)
Sunnydale, 1999 Tales of the Slayer: All That You Do Comes Back..
L.A. 1999 A1.04 I Fall to Pieces
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.05 Beer Bad
L.A. 1999 A1.05 Rm w/a Vu
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy books: Lost Slayer series
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.06 Wild at Heart
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy graphic novel: Oz
Sunnydale, 1999 Buffy book: Oz: Into the Wild
L.A. 1999 A1.06 Sense & Sensitivity
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.07 The Initiative
L.A. 1999 A1.07 Bachelor Party
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Close to the Ground
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Soul Trade
L.A. 1999 Angel graphic novel: Earthly Possessions
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Redemption
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Shakedown
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Hollywood Noir
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Avatar
L.A. 1999 Angel book: Bruja
L.A. 1999 Angel book: The Summoned
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.08 Pangs
L.A. 1999 A1.08 I Will Remember You
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.09 Something Blue
L.A. 1999 A1.09 Hero
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.10 Hush
L.A. 1999 A1.10 Parting Gifts
Sunnydale, 1999 B4.11 Doomed
L.A. 1999 A1.11 Somnambulist

[edit] External links

[edit] Reviews

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