Talk:I Am Ghost

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Kerith Marcantonio was my teacher in 5th grade!!

Not goth at all.


[edit] Stop

Stop trying to blame goth for these kind of bands, just listened to the "music" on their myspace profile, its typical post-hardcore/emofad stuff... there is nothing remotely "gothic" or "punk rock" about this bands music. - Deathrocker 14:09, 20 August 2006 (UTC)

  • claps*

[edit] Plagarists

Stop deleting the plagarism information. It's true and in time you'll KNOW it's true (of course you'll only believe the media if they tell you)

When you put it up with citations, then I'll effing believe it. Until then it just seems like a poor attempt to de-ride them. Honestly, someone "who wishes to remain unnamed."--SOAD_ROCKS

[edit] OMG?

Ban this asshole who cleared the information about I Am Ghost. And they are labeled as gothic from Epitaph.

[edit] On The Vandalism

Will who ever keeps on deleting the page, putting in BS, and writing about the idiotic idea of "plagerism" please stop.
And someone with a bit more experience on Wikipedia might want to fix up the article. It tried to restore it the best I could, but I think the formattings off.
Thanks! 18:51, 4 November 2006 (UTC)

Oh, okay you want proof? Here. The website of the man who wrote the poems that were ruthelessly stolen and violated.

Read the titles and read through the poems and you'll know what the fxck I'm talking about.

Is that proof enough? One morning at 2 AM this man ^^ was watching vh1 when SUDDENLY he heard a pretty poor sounding band yarking HIS WORDS. HIS POETRY. HIS CREATIONS, STOLEN, AND THESE KIDS ARE INTERNATIONAL STARS BECAUSE OF HIS INGENIOUS. For days he couldn't eat or sleep, he was sick and depressed. Does I Am Ghost even care? Maybe. They offered to pay but their agents (or something) offered 7% of profit. 7% ONLY? Jason Fox refused. He deserved more. The case is far from settled. I just felt like getting the word out early.

Civil War::

Isolation Thirst::

I Am Ghost's "Civil War and Isolation Thirst"::

Compare the lyrics of Lady Madeline in her Coffin to Jason Paul Fox's poem "List of Memories"



Such a coincidence. Is THAT proof enough, you jerks?!

If you got factual proof, as in an article or something like that, that's one thing. But since it just stands as a "coincidence" so far, it can not be accepted as fact and it is innappropriate to be put in. And writing in obscene things in there is not accepted as well.
Lady Insane 00:33, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Geez

Hence why I put "someone who does not wish to be named" He doesn't want it public YET. How is it coincidence if the poems were created nearly 10 years before I Am Ghost was formed? Pure coincidence that the lyrics match up exactly yet were "written" at different times? You have articles about controversial things such as Christianity yet do you have "proof" such as an article? Yet how can an article prove anything? You can ask the man himself, his AIM is on his page. Ask him about it. I'm just saying what I know for sure.

Just Google the phrase "I Am Ghost Jason Paul Fox"

Also, a review I found on ::


Why parts of this album are good, May 23, 2006

Reviewer: Perriwinkle the Evil "no relation to Dr Evil" (Fungomery, Alabubba) - See all my reviews

I listened to some of the songs off this album. Especially in Lady Madeline, I found some of the lyrics good and the rest just emo drivel--and bad emo drivel at that. So I did a search online for some of the lines from Lady M and wouldn't you know, I came upon a website by a poet named Jason Paul Fox. He wrote most of his poetry 15-20 years ago, when many of the members of IAG were very young children at best. I looked through the album to find Mr Fox credited, but his name appears nowhere. So, kiddies, now you know where they came up with such great poetry. Sorry to burst your bubble."

(Who said I wrote those things anyhow?)

The reason "controversial" stuff is allowed in some artices, such as Chrisitanity, is because there are external resources of legitimate credibility out there explaining it. reviews and what yoy say don't count. Unless you gwt solid proof that the guy you said wrote the poems, feels plagerised, and has solid evidence to support it, then it can not be published in Wikipedia.
Lady Insane 00:35, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Right.

Okay what am I supposed to get to prove it?!

A flippin confession on tape?!

Were the poems ever copywrited? because unless they were, it doesn't even fall under the legal definition of plagiarism, who's to say he didn't plagiarize them off some other small name writer?----SOAD_ROCKS

Because I know the guy personally, he wrote those poems when he was 15, some before that and some after, and yes, they were copywrited. He was the one who found out they were stolen. He filed a lawsuit against them. It's far from settled, I think, but I haven't been refreshed on that topic since he moved a month ago. I need to ask him about it. The band was offering him something like 7% of the profit, they admitted to stealing some of his lines without asking, but someone isn't letting them pay him back. I can't remember who the person is to I Am Ghost, some agent or something.

Looking over his poetry site I realized they got their first CD name idea from him; he has a short poem called "We're Always Searching" very similar on top of the 2 poem titles combined into one song and the first paragraph of List of Memories in the lyrics to Lady Madeline in her Coffin (or something like that)

I added that Jason Paul Fox into the German I Am Ghost page. --Project X 14:18, 11 November 2006 (UTC)

Thank you Project X.

[edit] Guess what

I was recently updated on Jason Paul Fox and I Am Ghost's case, and it's been settled by I Am Ghost just giving him a little old-credit and a sh!tload of money. Maybe there will be articles about it one day, but probably not soon because he wanted it kept secret. When there are I'll be looking for them and THEN I'll add it in Wiki, okay?

IAG gave him 10 thousand dollars and reclaimed all their unsold old CDs; We Are Always Searching.