I Am Furious Yellow

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The Simpsons episode
"I Am Furious Yellow"
Episode no. 287
Prod. code DABF13
Orig. Airdate April 28, 2002
Show Runner(s) Al Jean
Writer(s) John Swartzwelder
Director Chuck Sheetz
Couch gag A prize machine claw from overhead grabs Homer's head pulls him upwards once the family sits down. He shouts "Ow, my brain!"
Guest star(s) Stan Lee as himself
SNPP capsule
Season 13
November 6, 2001May 22, 2002
  1. Treehouse of Horror XII
  2. The Parent Rap
  3. Homer the Moe
  4. A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
  5. The Blunder Years
  6. She of Little Faith
  7. Brawl in the Family
  8. Sweets and Sour Marge
  9. Jaws Wired Shut
  10. Half-Decent Proposal
  11. The Bart Wants What It Wants
  12. The Lastest Gun in the West
  13. The Old Man and the Key
  14. Tales from the Public Domain
  15. Blame It on Lisa
  16. Weekend at Burnsie's
  17. Gump Roast
  18. I Am Furious Yellow
  19. The Sweetest Apu
  20. Little Girl in the Big Ten
  21. The Frying Game
  22. Papa's Got a Brand New Badge
List of all Simpsons episodes...

"I Am Furious Yellow" is the eighteenth episode of The Simpsons' thirteenth season. The episode aired on April 28, 2002.


[edit] Synopsis

When the creator of the well-known cartoon Danger Dog (an obvious allusion to DangerMouse and Underdog; "danger dog" is also the slang term for a type of hot dog first sold by street vendors in Tijuana, Mexico) gives a lecture on the perks of a life in animation at Springfield Elementary, all students become inspired to create their own cartoons. Most of the comic strips the kids draw are rip-offs of Danger Dog.

Bart (after his Danger Dude comic was rejected by the Comic Book Guy and Stan Lee) seeks inspiration and realizes that Homer's everyday antics are very funny to watch. He draws a comic book called Angry Dad, featuring funny things that Homer does when he gets angry. It becomes a hit.

A spokesman for the (fictional) Internet company BetterThanTV.com approaches Bart and offers to make Angry Dad into an online cartoon. Bart accepts and Angry Dad is put on the World Wide Web, becoming instantly popular (the Internet's most visited non-pornographic webpage).

When Homer realizes what Bart has done he initially gets mad until the rest of the family confirm that he has a problem with anger. In light of this, Homer vows to give up rage forever. This spells trouble for Bart, as he cannot produce any new episodes of Angry Dad if Homer is docile.

Homer's mild-mannered attitude is difficult to maintain, especially since rage-provoking incidents continually occur. Homer maintains his composure with great difficulty.

Bart sets up a trap for Homer which will provoke his rage. However, when he visits BetterThanTV.com's office, he finds they have gone bankrupt, so there is no need for Homer to be lured into the trap. But Bart and Milhouse are too late to stop him.

Homer, after falling into a paddling pool full of green paint, unleashes all his pent-up rage, rampaging across town looking very much like the Incredible Hulk. Although Bart's prank and Homer's rage causes $10 million of damage, Homer is diagnosed from having suffered from pent-up rage. Dr. Hibbert reveals that if Homer had continued suppressing his rage, he would have died. Homer thanks Bart for saving his life.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] Cultural references

[edit] Quotes

  • Bart: Why does Danger Dog mean more to me than school or church?
    Jeff (Danger Dog creator): Because those things suck. Any more questions?
  • Man on radio: Don't you hate carpet stores that charge extra for the underpadding?
  • Homer: This'll teach that stupid chair! AAAAAAAAH! I'm on fire! AAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAHHHH!! Oh, I hope no one's drawing this! AAAAAH!
  • Announcer: Tonight, When Dinosaurs Get Drunk...
    Homer: Hmmmmmm.
    (on the show, a tipsy dinosaur wades into a tarpit and starts sinking)
    Homer: (laughs) Oh, I've been there, man.
    Announcer: ...has been cancelled.
    Homer: What?
    Announcer: Instead, we bring you The Boring World of Niels Bohr.
  • Lisa: Bart, this is Dad.
    Bart: Ahhhh, it's a composite character. Your dad, my dad, a little o' Maggie's dad...
    Lisa: No, it's just Dad.
  • Stan Lee: Hold it, son. Wouldn't you rather have an exciting action figure?
    Database: Ahh, but only Batman fits in my Batmobile.
    Stan Lee: (laughs) Are you nuts? The Thing fits in there perfectly. (he struggles to put it in) Look! He's fitting right now.
    Database: Ahh, you broke my Batmobile!
    Stan Lee: Broke—or made better? (he hums the Spider-Man theme while he puts Marvel comics over DC comics on the magazine rack.)
  • BetterThanTV.com Manager: Bart, I'm not a woman, and I can't have babies. But I can give life to animated Internet cartoons. Let me show you one of our hottest shows, Bin Laden in a Blender.
    (Osama bin Laden screams gibberish, and he is smashed in a blender.)
    Lisa: Well, it delivers what it promises.
  • BetterThanTV.com Manager: Bart, meet the voice of Angry Dad.
    Bart: Okay, let's hear it.
    Dan Castellaneta: Well, I was thinking of something like... (sounding like Homer) "I'm a big fat idiot."
    Bart: Wow! I think we have our Angry Dad!
    Dan Castellaneta (in Homer's voice): Woo-hoo! When do I get paid?
    BetterThanTV.com Manager: In 2012.
    Dan Castellaneta (in Homer's voice): D'oh!
  • Homer: Stupid Bartoon! (laughs) "Bartoon"! That's clever! (laughs again) I'm gonna kill him!
  • Homer: I'm a rageaholic! (cries) I just can't live without rageahol! (cries again)
  • Stan Lee: He can't be the Hulk! I'm the Hulk! (he unsuccessfully tries to rip his shirt and screams)
    Comic Book Guy: Oh, please. You couldn't even change into Bill Bixby.
  • Skinner: And now, our career day speaker. Please welcome Bart's friend's dad, Kirk Van Houten.
    Kirk: How many of you went to your car to find a flier in the windshield?
    Nelson (bored): Are you the guy who puts them there?
    Kirk: No, I'm his assistant. But one time, he was sick and he let me do it. (ashamed) I totally screwed it up. Thank you.
    Skinner (looking at his watch): Well, we still have fifty-six minutes left. Any questions?
    Milhouse: Did you know Mom's getting remarried?
    Kirk: What?! She said we'd talk...uh, I think we should discuss this later, son.
    Skinner: No, you might as well discuss it now.
  • Homer (watching an Angry Dad cartoon): That's guy's funny! I especially like his white shirt and blue pants. (realizes) Wait. Angry Dad is me!
    Lenny: Yeah, ya didn't know? You've been world-famous for an hour.
    Carl: You're the Internet's number one non-porno site.
    Lenny: Which makes you ten-trillionth overall.
An excited Comic Book Guy
  • Bart: (after learning the internet company has gone broke) But I have 52 million shares! What's 52 million times zero? And don't tell me it's zero!
  • Bart: Stan Lee came back?
    Comic Book Guy: Stan Lee never left. I am beginning to think his mind is no longer in mint condition.
  • Stan Lee: Aren't you the guy who was stalking Lynda Carter?
    Comic Book Guy: The term is courting. (takes out a Wonder Woman doll and strokes it) The restraining order says no-no, but her eyes say yes-yes.
  • Comic Book Guy: Oh...My heart is pounding like Thor's hammer on Dr. Doom's titanium infused faceplate.
  • Stan Lee: Greetings, true believers!
  • Lisa: The speakers are poor because we're letting just anybody do it. Groundskeeper Willie, Groundskeeper Willie's enemy Seamus.
    Skinner: Ah yes, Seamus. 90 minutes of watching a man drink in the bathtub. Pfft.
    Skinner: Seamus, we won't need you to speak anymore.
    Seamus: What! What! Oh, so this is your doin', Willie? I'll turn your groin ta puddin'!
    Wille: Aw, you speak like a poet, but you punch like one too!
  • Homer (while observing Bart's phony "Free Donuts" sign): Hmmm...This looks suspicious...but delicious!