
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hyphephilia is one of a group of paraphilias of the fetishistic/talismanic type in which the sexuoerotic stimulus is associated with the touching, rubbing, or the feel of skin, hair, leather, fur, and fabric, especially if worn in proximity to erotically significant parts of the body [from Greek, hyphe, web + -philia]. hypertrophy (adjective, hypertrophied, hypertrophic): over-development in size of an organ or of its constituent cells; synonym, hyperplasia; antonym, atrophy. Reverence [1]

In psychiatry, a sexual perversion in which sexual arousal and orgasm depend upon touching or rubbing the partner’s skin or hair, or upon the sensations related to feeling fur, leather, fabric, or other substances in association with sexual activity with the partner. Examples include a requirement that the partner be clothed in furs, and wear a leather belt during sexual activities. Reference [2]