Hydrogen station

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A hydrogen station is a storage or filling station for hydrogen, usually located along a road or highway, or at home as part of the distributed generation resources concept.


[edit] Hydrogen filling stations

Since the turn of the millennium, filling stations offering hydrogen have been opening worldwide. Among them:

[edit] Hydrogen home stations


Hydrogen home stations come in different types.

  • A more complete home station would combine the solar home system on the inlet with natural gas and a reformer [5] and from the storage tank to a fuel cell microchp system to produce heat and electricity for the house and the excess electricity to the grid to become part as a distributed generation resource.
  • Integrated systems that convert solar energy photoelectrochemically are more efficient than splitting water. [6]

[edit] Hydrogen highway

A hydrogen highway is a chain of hydrogen-equipped filling stations and other infrastructure along a road or highway.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Hydrogen-filling station opens ... in Iceland
  2. ^ Motavalli, Jim (2001). Breaking Gridlock: Moving Towards Transportation That Works. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, p. 145. ISBN 1-57805-039-1.
  3. ^ Powertech Station from British Columbia's Hydrogen Highway site, retrieved July 30, 2006
  4. ^ Solar Hydrogen Production by Electrolysis Home Power #39 Feb./Mar. 1994
  5. ^ Fuel cell on Honda worldwide homepage, retrieved August 4, 2006
  6. ^ Sunlight to Fuel Hydrogen Future from Wired News, retrieved July 30, 2006

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Energy Development and Use   Edit
Energy development | Environmental concerns with electricity generation | Future energy development | Inertial fusion power plant | Hydrogen storage | Hydrogen station | Hydrogen economy | Hubbert peak theory | Renewable energy | Hypermodernity | Technological singularity | Air engine | Liquid nitrogen economy | Flywheel energy storage
Sustainability and Development of Energy   Edit
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