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This article is about the fictional terrorist organisation. For other uses, see Hydra.
Baron Strucker, founder of HYDRA, wearing the HYDRA logo on his chest.
Baron Strucker, founder of HYDRA, wearing the HYDRA logo on his chest.

HYDRA is a fictional terrorist organization in the Marvel Universe. The organization first appeared in Strange Tales #135. In its original continuity, it was headed by nondescript businessman Arnold Brown, who was killed as S.H.I.E.L.D. apparently crushed the organization. It soon returned, however, headed by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, under the aegis of the Nazi Red Skull; HYDRA's changing origin was one of the earliest Marvel retcons. After its initial defeat, several of its branches surfaced, appearing to be unrelated and independent. HYDRA's scientific branch was initially A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics), which later split off into its own organization. Other factions included THEM and the Secret Empire.

Despite the name's capitalisation per Marvel's official spelling, the name is not an acronym but rather a reference to the mythical Lernaean Hydra. The organization's motto references the myth of the Hydra, proclaiming that if a head is cut off, two more will take its place, proclaiming their resiliance and growing strength in the face of resistance. HYDRA agents often wear distinctive green garb featuring a serpent motif.


[edit] History

HYDRA's history as presently depicted in Marvel Universe continuity is a long, tumultuous and convoluted one, spanning the decades from the end of the Second World War up to the present day, tied directly to surviving fugitive members of governments of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

Shortly upon joining the original HYDRA, Von Strucker seized control of the organization from its Japanese founders and slowly steered it towards the goal of conquering Earth. That campaign brought him into conflict with Charles Xavier and the future Magneto among others, and once HYDRA became more brazenly public in its operations, eventually led to the creation of the original agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D. specifically to counter HYDRA's threat to world security. After apparently assassinating S.H.I.E.L.D.'s first executive director, Nick Fury was appointed as executive director. This decision, after several HYDRA campaigns including the creation of the Overkill Horn (designed to detonate all nuclear explosives worldwide), and the bio-engineered "Death-Spore" Bomb, led directly to von Strucker's first death at the hands of Fury and several deceived HYDRA operatives.

In the wake of von Strucker's first death, the surviving elements of HYDRA broke into factions that each adopted its own reorganized modus operandi. Several of these factions developed "super-agents" that would occasionally break away in turn to become freelance operatives, or, in some rarer cases, super-heroes such as the first Spider-Woman. Von Strucker was eventually revived and reunited several of the HYDRA factions under his leadership to renew his campaign against S.H.I.E.L.D. and humanity for several more years.

HYDRA's army of brainwashed villains and heroes about to attack the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Blackhawk.
HYDRA's army of brainwashed villains and heroes about to attack the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier Blackhawk.

Despite his reorganization of the group, various independent HYDRA factions continue to operate around the Marvel Universe, and a HYDRA Civil War would later result. While Baron Helmut Zemo had Strucker placed in status for his own ends, Gorgon and Strucker's second wife Elsbeth von Strucker mystically created a clone of Strucker who they set up to fail, allowing for a public execution of him, after which - as part of an alliance with the Hand, they utilised an army of brainwashed superheroes and supervillains, including Northstar and Elektra to launch a massive assault on SHIELD. The assault was ultimately repelled and Wolverine would kill Gorgon.

Recently, HYDRA planned an all out attack on the United States by smuggling missiles into New York for use in a planned bio-weapon assault on the Ogallala Aquifer. They formed a distraction through using a team that had the duplictaed powers of several Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America and former Avengers Thor and Hawkeye) but were inevitably foiled by Spider-Man and the other New Avengers.

When Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) was captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. during Civil War, HYDRA stormed the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier and freed her. Spider-Woman, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and member of the Avengers, had been working for HYDRA under the orders of Nick Fury, deposed as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. following the events of Secret War, whom she was still loyal to. HYDRA revealed that they knew of her betrayal and wanted her to replace Viper as their current leader, for she was unstable. Spider-Woman refused their offer, destroying the HYDRA base she had been taken to in an explosion.

[edit] Appearances in other continuities

The version of HYDRA seen in the Amalgam Comics continuity was essentially identical in its modus operandi to the Marvel Universe version of HYDRA. Though there is little background given regarding its history or purpose, its aims appear to be total world domination. The Amalgam version of HYDRA first appeared in Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1.

After the end of the Second World War, HYDRA came under the command of Green Skull, with other members including Baron Zero and the Green Skull's daughter, Selina Luthor. The majority of attempts were also focused in fighting against S.H.I.E.L.D., though the majoirty of plans constantly failed, and Selina soon planned a coup by supposedly killing her father and assuming power.

Their main base is unclear, although it is identified as HYDRA Base Omega, suggesting that there were numerous bases classed under the Greek alphabet.

[edit] Appearance in other media

HYDRA makes an appearance in the second issue of The Avengers: United They Stand, a comic book based on the animated television series The Avengers.

HYDRA also appears in the telefilm Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., with black Men in Black-type suits, rather than the green uniform from the comics.

They also appeared in X-Men Evolution, where they were behind the creation of X-23 from Wolverine's DNA. Omega Red and Gauntlet are shown as mercenaries working for HYDRA.

HYDRA also appears in X-Men: The Official Movie Game. In the game, HYDRA is partially responsible for the creation of the Master Mold and Sentinel robots alognside William Stryker. Under orders of their leader, Silver Samurai, HYDRA infiltrates Stryker's base to remove all evidence and Sentinel equipment, and by accident, activated the Master Mold.

Some HYDRA agents appear at the beginning of the movie Ultimate Avengers 2, fighting against Captain America. After Cap defeats most of the agents, two of them try to escape in a van. Cap throws his shield, which slices clean through the van back-to-front, and causing it to skid out of control. The van crashes into a tank of some sort of chemicals, which then burst open, showering the van. The van melts, along with both HYDRA agents.

[edit] Similar groups

Similarly themed criminal organizations exist in other superhero settings. Both VIPER (from the Champions role-playing game) and Kobra (from the DC Comics universe) wear green uniforms and use the snake as their symbol rather than the mythical hydra. The COBRA Organization from GI Joe is also very similar.

[edit] External links

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